approaches timeline

  • inheritable traits

    inheritable traits
    biological traits passed down from parents to childrern
  • functionalism

    william james spectulated that thinking, feeling, learning, and remembering- all activities of the mind- serve one major function.
  • psychoanalysis

    studies how unconscious motives and conficts determine human behavior, feelings, amd thoughts.
  • behaviorism

    investigation of observable behavior
  • Gestalt psychology

    Gestalt psychology
    Perception is more than the sum of its parts.
  • cognitivism

    how we process, store, retrieve, and use information and how this information influences thinking, language, problem-sloving, and creativity.
  • humanism

    the environment and other outside forces serve as a background to internal growth
  • psychobiology

    studies how physical and chemical changes in our bodies influence our behavior
  • sociocultural psychology

    sociocultural psychology
    cultural and ethnic similarities and differences in behavior and social functioning