The Rise of the Roman Empire

  • 753 BCE

    Romulus starts Rome

    Romulus starts Rome
    With Remus dead (Romulus's brother) Romulus continued to work on a city that was later called Rome.
  • 380 BCE

    Chirstianity declared sole religion by Theodosius I

    Chirstianity declared sole religion by Theodosius I
    Romans believed in many Gods but Christians only worshiped one God and at one point were either worship and sacrifice to Roman Gods or be killed. Many were killed but eventually one emperor converted to Christianity
  • 378 BCE

    Visigoths sacks Rome

    Visigoths sacks Rome
    Even though Rome was considered unconquere able a Germanic tribe called Visigoths killed, enslaved, and stole treasures from the Romans, therefore this was the first time Rome was sacked in 800 years.
  • 218 BCE

    Hannibal invades Italy

    Hannibal invades Italy
    He wanted to battle Rome and through Italy to get to them but Roman soldiers were waiting. Hannibal got extra troops in Gauls of Po valley and won the battle
  • 44 BCE

    Julius Caesar was killed

    Julius Caesar was killed
    Julius Caesar was a Roman commander that had a lot of success conquering area and was praised for it. Not all people respected him and Cimber, Casca, and Decimus all attacked him while he was sick at the Senate
  • 32 BCE

    Crucifixion of Jesus Christ

    Crucifixion of Jesus Christ
    Jesus was thought to be a trouble maker that threated public harmony. Jesus never denied any charges against him so he should have been convicted but instead he was executed by crucifixion.
  • 27 BCE

    Patheon constructed by Hadrian

    Patheon constructed by Hadrian
    It was built by Marcus Vipsanius Agrippa and the second one by Domitian. The actual function of the temple is unknown it may have been a place were the king could appear in public
  • 19 BCE

    Caesar Augustus becomes Emperor

    Caesar Augustus becomes Emperor
    He had control over every provinces of the Roman empire. He got this power in 19 BC but then died in 14 BC, and the month August was named after him.