Ancient Roman Timeline

By Jake P
  • Period: 753 BCE to 27 BCE

    A person was considered innocent until proven guilty

    It is the "Presumption of Innocence" that we have today that we got from this Roman principle. It is the idea that the prosecutionist
  • Period: 753 BCE to 27 BCE

    Rome was Founded

    The Roman Republic was founded at about 753 B.C. The Roman Republic ended as the Roman empire started around 27 B.C.
  • Period: 509 BCE to 27 BCE

    The End of The Roman Republic

    The Roman Kingdom Republic falling at about 509 B.C. The Roman Empire came about around 27 B.C.
  • Period: 509 BCE to 27 BCE

    Expansion of Rome

    In the 5th Century BCE the Romans began to expand. There were 2 major wars that helped with the expansion and were fought at Fidenae.
  • Period: 27 BCE to 180

    Pax Romana

    The Pax Romana it was an unprecedented peace for about 200 years. It reached it's peak in land during that time. During the Pax Romana their population peaked at about 70 million people also.
  • Period: 4 BCE to 66

    Jesus' Teachings

    The most famous followers of Jesus are Mattew, Mark, Luke, and John. At the age of 30 he began teaching villagers
  • Period: 330 to 496

    Founding of Constantinople and the fall of The Roman Empire

    Constantinople was founded by Emporer Constantine. The founding of Constantinople by Constantine was in the middle of the Roman Empire. The Roman Empire shortly after the dounding of Constantinople