

  • 3.2-Social Comparison

    3.2-Social Comparison
    For some reason in middle school, if you weren't part of a clique, club, or sport you were nobody. If your parents didn't attend the country club every week for dinner- you also were a nobody. Often I compared my appearance to athletic people- they were in shape, they had nice style, I was at that awkward stage of my growth- big hips, baby fat. Then I started comparing myself to the "cool kids", and that led me to lower self esteem. They always looked fabulous, I had acne and the worst style.
  • 6.1 Parent & Adolescent Conflict

    6.1 Parent & Adolescent Conflict
    Moving with my dad, he often showed me a lot of love- something I was not used to with my mom. My logic and cognitive development at the time had me question why one parent was affectionate and the other wasn't. I would cry to my dad and ask "Why doesn't my mom love me?", "Why doesn't she want to talk to me?", "Why doesn't my mom hug me?", "It's because she hates me- she always pushes me away" My dad insisted that action typical of my mother, but my expectations of a mom was nothing alike to her
  • 2.1 Late Maturer

    2.1 Late Maturer
    Although I was the last of my friend group to get my period, we were all the same age. One thing that made me different from my friends was them engaging sexual activity, drug abuse, and staying out late-while I was still being sheltered by my dad. Although the sheltering made me more rebellious, I didn't go through the same peer pressure until I was at a much older age.I do not feel my late maturation had helped me academic wise, because I was always bad with my academics from 7th-10th grade.
  • 6.3 Ego Support

    6.3 Ego Support
    Latia is the person I can guarantee someone I can count on to hype me up at all times. If I were to walk down the hall in school I knew I would hear Latia on the other end yelling "OOO GIRL YOU LOOK GOOOD". If we were to go out dancing, she would always choose me to be my partner and would tell me how good I am at dancing. When we ran into new friends, Latia was always talking good things about me, and practically showing me off. If I EVER felt low, she would raise my confidence.
  • 1.1 Entering Adolescence

    1.1 Entering Adolescence
    Getting my license and my own car was the first time in my life where I felt like I wasn't being controlled but instead I was doing the controlling. I could operate a motorized vehicle, going to any destination desired, without the presence of an adult. I felt so mature and responsible since my parents trusted me enough to be by myself on the road! I started to feel even more responsible after routines of putting work into my car- those being; cleaning, fixing, and making monthly payments.
  • 7.3- Intrinsic & Extrinsic Motivation

    7.3- Intrinsic & Extrinsic Motivation
    When I was a freshman in high school I was beyond determined to try out for soccer. Making the team, led me to many more responsibilities. In order to stay on the soccer team, I had to keep my GPA at at 2.5 or above. My choice of not staying in the flow of keeping up with my homework caused me to be kicked off the team, thus leading me to realize homework was more of an extrinsic motivation for soccer.
  • 7.1 Transitioning to Work

    7.1 Transitioning to Work
    When I was 17 I had gotten my first job working at my towns hospital under dietary aide. I was put through training and orientation- something I had never done before. I had felt both independent and stressed all at once. I was proud I was able to obtain a job, but stressed to know I had to learn so many rules and obligations. Obtaining a job at an early age helped my chances by a lot- when I go to apply for jobs they see my work experience & skills. My last three jobs I was hired on the spot.
  • 2.2 Niche-Picking

    2.2 Niche-Picking
    Active Genotype-I was never the type of person to be like my parents, athletic, or the type to join a club. My parents & peers were athletic, reserved and well mannered. I spoke my mind & always looked for a fight. I hung out with the crowd that was considered bad/unsuccessful. I wasn't interested in interacting with "goody-two-shoes" . I felt compatible with my crowd, they helped me develop into a strong outspoken person. But their bad actions led me to want a different outcome; college.
  • 3.3-Self Consciousness

    3.3-Self Consciousness
    At age 17 I had experienced my first long term relationship, break up. The five years I had dated this person, I didn't care much on how I looked on a daily basis anymore. When I became single, I depended on my best friends at every moment. We always praised each other in compliments and reassured one another's appearance. When I felt low or unattractive, I always could count on them to hype me up. Without their support my self confidence would be at an all time low.
  • 7.2 Transitioning to college

    7.2 Transitioning to college
    I can admit I did think transitioning from "top dog" to "fresh meat" was going to make a huge impact on my friend group- however I found myself not associating with my freshman class but with the sophomores/juniors instead. This benefited me because they taught me how to manage my new stress levels and how to balance my social and academic life. As the years went on & my experience with college accelerated I learned how to be more independent and not rely on my dad for every question/answer.
  • 1.2 Emerging Adulthood

    1.2 Emerging Adulthood
    My eighteenth birthday was the moment I truly felt like an adult. Turning eighteen made me egocentric mainly because my dad could no longer tell me what I could or couldn't do from that day on. Seeing that the age of eighteen is considered an adult, this meant I was allowed to dismiss myself from school. So on my birthday, I signed myself out after being there for an hour and got a tattoo- another thing my dad hated. But then the bills piled in and the rush to emerge into an adult was a regret.
  • 6.2 Intimacy

    6.2 Intimacy
    My BEST friend Lindsay & I did absolutely everything, and I mean everything. Her & I shared all of our deepest secrets, our scandolous moments, and our most ashamed moments. We never did anything without each other's opinion. Lindsay & I shared food, drinks, bed, family, We even change, use the bathroom, and show in front of each other. Lindsay is my go-to person. <3
  • 3.1-Personal Fable

    3.1-Personal Fable
    Looking back on it, it was the most foolish thing I have ever done.. When I was a senior in high school the "cool thing" was to smoke cigarettes. My BEST friend smoked a pack a week but had to hide it from her family. I absolutely hated cigarettes relating to abuse from when I was a younger child. However, even though I hated cigarettes, I would smoke them when offered a cigarette.
  • 8.1 Rite of Passage

    8.1 Rite of Passage
    To me, 21st birthdays are considered my rite of passage in numerous ways. The first comes with the tradition of going out and getting your first legal drink. This is a rite of passage due to the fact I am now considered legal and free to make any type of decision in my life that can include the consumption of alcohol, making me feel like a full grown adult. After age 21, there is nothing exciting any more- you're officially considered responsible and mature.