Alcohol Laws - Since 1996

  • Lei nº 9.294

    This laws states that all propagandas related to alcohol beverages should regulate the exposition of the product.
    Opinion: This law is important however people need to know the effects of the product.
  • Lei nº 11.705, Lei Seca

    This law prohibits people from driving while they are under the effects of alcohol.
    Opinion: This law is one of the most important laws created because it is proven that many people can get seriuosly injured or even killed while driving drunk.
  • Lei no 14.592

    Alcohol is not allowed to be offered, bought, or consumed by anynoe of the age under 18.
    Opinion: This law is the most important law on our opinion because minor's brains are still being developed and the consumption of alcohol can affect this.
  • Lei nº 6.377

    With this law, selling or buying alcohol in public space is now ilegal.
    Opinion: This law is important becasue withouth it people under 18 could have acces to alcohol withouth anyone consequences.
  • Lei no 13.106

    Offering or selling alcohol to people under 18 is now considered a crime.
    Opinion: This law will reduce the alcohol consumption of peolpe under 18 since it is now ilegal. It is very important because of the person's brain development.