Atomic structures

A history of the Periodic Table

  • Ideas before discoveries

    Ideas before discoveries
    Many theorised and proposed ideas were made before discoveries actually were, including:
    440BC - Democritus and Leucippus hypothesise that all things are made of tiny bits of matter, atoms
    360BC - Plato puts forth the word "stoicheia", which means elements in Ancient Greek
    330BC - Aristotle theorises the four elements; earth, wind, water and fire
  • Sir Francis Bacon creates the Scientific Method

    Sir Francis Bacon creates the Scientific Method
    The scientist and philosopher Sir Francis Bacon writes "The Proficience and Advancement of Learning", which outlines the Scientific Method
  • Robert Boyle distinguishes Chemistry from Alchemy

    Robert Boyle distinguishes Chemistry from Alchemy
    Robert Boyle publishes the book "The Sceptical Chymist" which denotes the differences between Chemistry and Alchemy, and mentioned atoms, molecules and chemical reactions. This is widely thought of as the beginning of modern chemistry
  • Joseph Black discovers Carbon Dioxide

    Joseph Black discovers Carbon Dioxide
    Joseph Black isolated molecules of Carbon Dioxide, which he named "Fixed Air"
  • Discovery of the first 33 elements

    Discovery of the first 33 elements
    Antione Lavosier does extensive research to create a list of 33 elements, noting non-metals and metals
  • Dalton's Law

    Dalton's Law
    John Dalton describes the relationship between the makeup of a gas, and calls it "Dalton's Law"
  • A table of Atomic Weights

    A table of Atomic Weights
    Jacob Berzelius creates a table of the elements, formed in order of Atomic Weight, and also devises a system of single letters to be symbols for the elements to be identified by
  • Discovery of similar properties

    Discovery of similar properties
    Johan Dobereiner discovers that certain elements has very similar properties, and that these triplets of elements also follow a pattern of density
  • A new Atomic Table

    A new Atomic Table
    Dmitri Mendeleev creates a new table of the elements, with the elements being ordered by atomic weights, but with them also being ordered "Periodically" with their properties, creating the forerunner to the modern Periodic Table, with 66 elements
  • Discovery of the Noble Gases

    Discovery of the Noble Gases
    William Ramsay, a Scottish chemist, discovers the newest elements, the Noble Gases
  • Discovery of Radium and Polonium

    Discovery of Radium and Polonium
    Marie and Pierre Curie are able to isolate Polonium and Radium from a useless ore called "pitchblende", these being some of the first radioactive elements found
  • Discovery of Radioactivity

    Discovery of Radioactivity
    Ernest Rutherford, a Chemist and Physicist who postulated the idea that Radiation came from atoms, and that these elements were not as indestructable as first thought
  • Atomic Numbers Discovered

    Atomic Numbers Discovered
    Henry Moseley uses X-Ray spectrometry to correctly find the atomic numbers for almost all known naturally occuring elements, with a few gaps, these being elements that are incredibly rare or not naturally occurring.
  • Synthesis of Transuranic Elements

    Synthesis of Transuranic Elements
    Edwin McMillan and Phillip Abelson, two Physicists, are the first to synthesize an element after Uranium on the Periodic Table, Neptunium, the lightest of these "Transuranic Elements", after smashing Uranium Atoms together
  • Continued Synthesis of Elements

    Continued Synthesis of Elements
    Glenn Seaborg is able to produce the first Plutonium atom, a P - 239 isotope, synthesized after the bombardment of Uranium atoms
  • Proposal of Actinides

    Proposal of  Actinides
    Glenn Seaborg puts forth the idea that elements above 89 have a different electron configuration than those below it, and with the Lanthanides, they should be seperated into their own group, forming our current periodic table
  • Period: to

    Continued Discovery of elements

    Physicists of the world continue to synthesize more and more of th elements found on the periodic table, taking us from the know 94 up to the current 118 elements that we know of to this very day