9 month pregnancy

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    First Month

    At this point, the embryo is only about 1/2 of an inch long and weighs about an ounce, but the foundation is established for further development in the months to come.
    The walls of the uterus will soften so that the embryo can more easily become implanted.
    The thickening uterus presses against the bladder, making urination more frequent.
    Breasts will become larger, tender and more sensitive. The veins in your breasts may be more visible at this stage.
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    Second Month

    The fetus is now about the size of a grape. The head and facial features have human characteristics, with closed eyelids, ears, and a mouth. The fetus has all limbs including arms, legs, fingers and toes
    The hormones of pregnancy have influenced many changes in your body. The menstrual cycle has stopped, your breasts have become tender and larger, the nipples have become more prominent and darker colored.
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    Fourth Month

    The body is covered with a fine downy hair called lanugo, which protects the skin. Growth has been amazing and the fetus is now almost 3 times the size and 5 times the weight of last month -- measuring about 6 inches long and weighing about 5 ounces. he fetus’ heartbeat is now stronger.
    The abdomen begins to bulge with the blossom of pregnancy. Weight gain is healthy and averages about 3-5 pounds per month from here to birth.
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    Fifth Month

    The external genitalia are now distinctly male or female, and if the baby is in the right position, an ultrasound can usually identify the sex if you wish.
    The growth continues to be phenomenal with a weight of approximately 1/2-1 pound, and a length of 8-12 inches long.After 20 weeks, the number of centimeters measured from the pubic bone to the fundus (or top) of the uterus will be approximately equal to the number of weeks of gestation. This becomes the standard for rating normal growth.
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    Sixth Month

    The top of your uterus is now well past your navel, and you are most decidedly looking pregnant! The kicks, turns and twists are becoming stronger, and you might find it fun to just look at your bare belly and watch the activity. Flaunt it and enjoy – the baby is now 11-14 inches long and weighs about 2 pounds.
    Your uterus also puts the squeeze on your stomach, potentially causing heartburn. If this happens, stomach contents back up your esophagus, creating a burning sensation.
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    Seventh Month

    The hair, including eyelashes, is becoming thicker and darker. Growth is rapid as the fetus gains more fat – the weight is now about 3 pounds and the length is 15-16 inches.
    Your exercise tolerance may be less because the growing uterus makes it harder for your lungs to expand as fully as before pregnancy. This may cause you to feel a little short of breath
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    Eight Month

    The baby is certainly ready for life outside the mother now – and, if born, most babies would be able to breathe air without any problem. The lungs have become stronger. The fetus is almost fully-grown, weighing about 5 pounds and measuring 18 inches in length.
    Your nights seem longer due to the lack of comfortable sleep- but keep a bag packed just in case one of those nights is interrupted by labor! Occasionally, women will notice their breasts begin to leak during this time.
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    Ninth Month

    To assist with getting labor started, the fetus produces high amounts of the hormones around the time of delivery. These hormones stimulate contractions of the uterus. The average weight is 6-9 pounds and length is 20 or more inches. As you approach the home stretch, a natural instinct called nesting may help you get very organized! Many women are pleased to find a burst of energy that allows them to attend to shopping list, errands, cleaning and organizing your home.
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    Third Month

    The fetus has developed each body system, and will further mature these systems in the months to come. The kidneys are now functioning. Hair is growing. The fingers and toes are more prominent. Tooth buds are forming. The fetus is about 2-1/2 inches long and weighs a little more than an ounce.
    Your uterus grows to about the size of a grapefruit. And good news, the nausea associated with morning sickness should lessen, and your energy level may return to normal or even increase.