American revolution

  • Proclammination

    It was made by king George in 1765.App.M werte the bountries for the colonist.It was the end of the French+Indian War.Many were angry because they angered west of the Mtns.
  • Taxination

    It was created by Great Brittian in 1763.They taxed everything.Great Britian were in dept after the war.It made colonist very angry.
  • Sugar act

    It was created by the prime minister in 1765.Taxis on molasis were lowered.They needed to increase tax revanue to stop smugglers.They were angry and protest.
  • Stamp Act

    The parliment created the stamp act in 1765.They placed taxes on all printed items.Britian wanted all the power.They were disapointed and angry
  • Quatering Act

    In 1765 the parliment created the quartering act.For punishing and payment of the army.People were neglecting their jobs.And did wnt to do their jobs.They were mad.
  • Townshed Act

    In 1767 the parliment invented the townshed Act.They taxed every thing.They also tried their best to make the colonist happy.Boycot went against the Brittish goods.
  • Boston Massacre

    The boston massacre was created by Brittish and boston colonies.A group of colonist were against Brittish soldiers.The soldiers were acused of things.The colonist were outraged and used it as propoganda against Brittish.
  • Boston Tea Party

    The Boston tea party was created by the son of liberty.The son liberty decided their selves as natives and found 322 chest of tea. Citizens of boston refuzed for ship to unload tea.Citezens of boston celabrated the bravery of the sons of Libertyy
  • Tea Act

    The tea act was established by the parliment.The tea was to be shipped to the colonist was sold very cheap.They started to tax tea.They were angry.
  • Coercive

    In 1774 the Coercive was created by the parliment and king george.The labor was closed until they could pay back the tea.King George wanted to punish boston for the tea party.The harbor was closed
  • 1st continental congress

    55 delegates franticly from all coloniees but Georgia.It is an organization and represented the american people.They wanted to gain liberty from British.The colonist form militaries to help congress.
  • Declaratory Act.

    Paliment created the declaratory act in 1776.Parliment had the right toincrease taxis.They just revealed the sand act.They complained of the power that they had.