
  • The Opium War

    The Opium War
    War between Britain and China over the trade of Opium.
    Outcome: British defeated the Chinese.
  • The Treaty of Nanjing

    The Treaty of Nanjing
    Ended the Opium War. The Chinese had to accept British terms for peace. The treaty showed that Chinese could no longer set terms of trade.
  • The Taiping Rebellion

    The Taiping Rebellion
    The Taiping Rebellion reformed ideas about traditional Chinese beliefs. Reformers wanted to introduce the abolition of foot binding, establish private trade, and introduce modern technology.
  • Spheres of Influence

    Spheres of Influence
    This term refers to an area in which a foreign nation had special economic privaleges. It gave political influence to western countries and also gave specific trading privaleges to each nation within its "sphere".
  • The Boxer Rebellion

    The Boxer Rebellion
    Chinese nationalist attacked and killed Chinese Christians to end foregin domination. Western powers put together an international army to stop the boxers. With this, China had to let foregin troops on their soil.
  • Revolution of 1911

    Revolution of 1911
    China delcared itself a republic soon after the collapse of the Qing dynasty, which ended the system of imperial rule. From 1911 to 1928, China experienced an uproar of civil war and mass chaos.
  • The Long March: Chiang Kai Shek

    The Long March: Chiang Kai Shek
    Mao Zedong emerged as the leader of the Chinese Communists. Mao gained the support of the peasants so that he would be able to succeed in China. Chiang Kei Shek started a campaign against the communist. Mao and his crew were greatly outnumbered forcing them to flee from Chaing's armies. This long journey became to be known as the Long March.
  • The Japanese Invasion

    The Japanese Invasion
    The Japenese people took advantage of the Chinese and brought them into WWII
  • The Japan-China War

    The Japan-China War
    Japanese claimed that they were attacked at by Chinese troops at the Marco Polo bridge near Beijing. This led the Japanese to launch a full scale invasion of China. During the year, Shang Hai, and Nanjing fell to Japan. Within five months of the start of the war, one million Chinese people were under Japanese control. By 1941, there were 2 million Japenese soldiers in control. After Pearl Harbor, America helped and the Japanese surrendered.
  • Mao Zedong

    Mao Zedong
    Mao Zedong was a Chinese military and political leader who led the Communist Party of China to victory against the Kuomintang in the Chinese Civil War, and was the leader of the People%u2019s Republic of China from its establishment in 1949.
  • The Great Leap Forward

    The Great Leap Forward
    The Great Leap Forward planned to develop an agriculture industry in China. Mao decided that the Chinese people could achieve anything which sparked this five year plan to improve the agriculture of China. Mao's plan proved to be successful.
  • Proletairat Cultural Revolution

    Proletairat Cultural Revolution
    This revolution involved a struggle for power within the communist party of China. The ideals presented in this revolution brought large sections of Chinese society into a civil war.
  • The Four Modernizations

    Deng Xiaoping became China's leader and wanted to create an economic reform. He created a program named the Four Modernations. This plan included improving agiculture, industry, technology, and defense.
  • The Return of Hong Kong to China

    The Return of Hong Kong to China
    Britain returned rule of Hong Kong to China.