FB Development

  • One Month

    Physical Development: Raises head slightly when lying on stomach
    Fine Motor Development: Hands form a fist
    Language Development: Responds to voice
    Mental Development: Is egocentric
    Social Development: Regards faces and reacts to stimulation
  • Three Months

    Physical Development: Make fists with both hands
    Fine Motor Development: Hands come together at eye level-center of vision
    Language Development: Makes cooing sounds
    Mental Development: Follow object from side to side of body
    Social Development: Responds with total body to face he recognizes
  • Six Months

    Physical Development: Reaches for objects and picks up
    Fine Motor Development: Plays with hands at center of their vision or in front of their face
    Language Development: Babbles and become more active during exciting sounds
    Mental Development: Senses the relationship between hands and objects they manipulate
    Social Development: Shows fear of strangers and excitement to familiar people
  • Nine Months

    Physical Development: Clasps hands or bangs objects together
    Fine Motor Development: Grasps small objects using thumb against side of index finger
    Language Development:
    Mental Development: Fears heights, aware of vertical space
    Social Development: Perceives mother as a separate person; father as a separate person probably
  • 13 to 18 Months

    Physical Development: Walks without help
    Fine Motor Development: Removes both socks and shoes
    Language Development: Says 4-6 words at 15 months, or more at 18 months
    Mental Development: Beginning concept of "up" and "down"
    Social Development: Enjoys being the center of attention
  • 12 Months

    Physical Development: Walks with help
    Fine Motor Development: Holds crayon in a way that allows them to color
    Language Development: Controls intonations, patterns of those similar to parents
    Mental Development: Searches for a hidden object, even if he hasn't seen it hidden, but only remembers where it was last seen
    Social Development: Waves bye-bye, plays patty cake and peek-a-boo
  • 24 Months

    Physical Development: Gait is steadier and more like an adult
    Fine Motor Development: Snips paper in one places with scissors
    Language Development: Verbalizes need for food, drink, and toilet
    Mental Development: Begins mental problem-solving and play
    Social Development: Wants to make friends, but unsure how
  • 2 1/2 years

    Physical Development: Can build tower of 8 blocks
    Fine Motor Development: Able to turn a door knob
    Language Development: Enjoys rhymes and singing
    Mental Development: Begins to understand the concept of time
    Social Development: Separates easily from parents
  • 3 Years

    Physical Development: Rides a tricycle
    Fine Motor Development: Demonstrates hand washing
    Language Development: Talks in sentences of about nine words
    Mental Development: Still engages in fantasy play
    Social Development: Begins to understand taking turns and sharing
  • 4 Years

    Physical Development: Jumps from step
    Fine Motor Development: Begins to show a hand preference
    Language Development: Asks question- "What, Where, Who?"
    Mental Development: Counts to 5
    Social Development: Shows many emotions
  • 5 Years

    Physical Development: Skips using alternate feet
    Fine Motor Development: Folds paper in half
    Language Development: Speaks clearly in sentences up to 5-6 words
    Mental Development: Puts objects behind, in front of, under, back, etc.
    Social Development: Plays with boys and girls
  • 6 Years

    Physical Development: Learning to ride bikes
    Fine Motor Development: Colors within lines without crossing lines
    Language Development: Uses all types of sentence structure
    Mental Development: Recognizes shapes, numbers
    Social Development: Developing a sense of right and wrong
  • 7 to 12 Years

    Physical Development: Skates, rides bikes
    Fine Motor Development: Learning to write in cursive
    Language Development: Able to read and write
    Mental Development: Concrete operational stage
    Social Development: Wants to be involved in clubs