Six Ages of Technology

  • 100,000 BCE

    The Stone Age

    The Stone Age
    The start of technology, when tools were primarily made of stone and organic materials. Life centered heavily around fire. 1,000,000 BC to 3,000 BC.
  • 3000 BCE

    Bronze Age

    Bronze Age
    The first age of metalworking, bronze tools. The first traces of writing, and urbanization. 3,000 BC to 1,200 BC.
  • 1200 BCE

    Iron Age

    Iron Age
    The period when iron tools became superior to bronze, when steel was first developed. 1,200 BC-.
  • 1000 BCE

    Agricultural Age

    Agricultural Age
    Life centered around farms, most goods were hand crafted. The first age where true settlements could develop. All activities were based on food. 1,000 BC-
  • Industrial age

    Industrial age
    Led to growth of cities as people moved closer to their work in factories. The beginning of mass production. People no longer had to make their own commodities. 1760-1900
  • Information Age

    Information Age
    Computers allow for the storage, retrieval, manipulation, and communication of huge quantities of data. 1900-