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Historical Timeline

  • Diana V California State Board of Education

    Diana V California State Board of Education
    Due to a language barrier Mexican Americans who spoke primarily in Spanish were placed in Special Education classes ,mistaking their language barrier mild intellectual disabilities.
  • P.A.R.C. v Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

    P.A.R.C. v Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
    http://disabilityjustice.org/right-to-education/ In 1971,children with disabilities did not have the right to attend public education. Pennsylvania laws were allowed to refuse enrollment to any students who were mentally challenged.
  • Right to Education

    Right to Education
    The state o Pennsylvania agrees to provide free public education to any child regardless of education.
  • Mills V. Board of Education

    Mills V. Board of Education
    Expanding on what PARC had established, the Mills lawsuit was formed in 1972 ."The plaintiffs sought an injunction on the grounds that they had been denied their constitutional right to Due Process."