1950s Civil Rights

  • 1959 BCE

    MLK visits India

    Martin Luther King visited India with his family. When he left, years later they found a recording he made about his non-violent social act
  • 1958 BCE

    Cooper v. Aaron

    Held that the states are bound by the Court's decisions and must enforce them even if the states disagreed with them.
  • Brown v, Board

    Over one-third of states segregated their schools by law.
  • Murder of Emmet Till

    He was flirting with a white woman and got murdered
  • Montgomery bus boycott

    It was apart of the civil rights movement that started so that people could have to freedom to sit wherever on busses and trains
  • Founding of SCLC

    The leaders created this group and it was rated after the Montgomery bus boycott
  • Integration of Little Rock, AK

    It was nine African American who were able to go to a white school. This was a interesting time
  • Civil rights act

    A voting rights bill was the federal civil rights legislation passed by the United States.