
By Cshea
  • Period: to


  • The 19th Amendment is Created

    The 19th Amendment is Created
    The 19th amendment granted woman the right to vote. Before this, only men were allowed to vote. After many protests and fights for equality, their work finally paid off.
  • Harding is Elected President

    Harding is Elected President
    The Republican Party wins the election once again. Warren G. Harding is elected over Democrat, James Cox. He won the presidency with a 60% popular vote and a 75% electoral vote.
  • Immigration Quota Established

    Immigration Quota Established
    The first immigration restrictions were created. This quota was directed towards unwanted immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe. It still allowed a generous amount of immigrants from Northern and Western Europe.
  • Jazz was Introduced

    Jazz was Introduced
    Louis Armstrong moved to Chicago from New Orleans and introduced Jazz to Chicago. This was an early form of jazz which eventually changed later. Artists like Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington were the most popular in the 1920's.
  • The Yankee Stadium is Built

    The Yankee Stadium is Built
    Also known as "The House that Ruth Built, the Yankee stadium was constructed in the Bronx, New York. The Yankees were an extremely favored baseball team in the 1920s. The most well known player, Babe Ruth, is a huge representation of the 20s.
  • The National Origins Act and The Immigration Act of 1924 is Created

    The National Origins Act and The Immigration Act of 1924 is Created
    This federal law limited the number of immigrants allowed into the country. The immigrant population decreased dramatically due to these several acts. It's purpose was to "preserve the ideal of American homogeneity.
  • Ford Motor Company

    Ford Motor Company
    On this day, one of the most popular car companies of the 1920s exceeds $1 billion. Henry Ford's company was so successful he did not have to purchase advertising between the years of 1917 and 1923. By the time the Model T was out, half of all the cars in the world were Fords.
  • The Rise of The Ku Klux Klan

    The Rise of The Ku Klux Klan
    The Ku Klux Klan was a mass group of white supremacists. They gained many members because of the increase of immigrants after the war. They did not welcome them and believed that they were better than them. In 1925, 50,000 members walked through the streets of Washington D.C. The 1920s were when they were the most popular and reached nationwide.
  • The Sun Also Rises is Published

    The Sun Also Rises is Published
    Popular American author, Ernest Hemingway publishes The Sun Also Rises. Hemingway worked for about a year on the book prior to publishing it. His importation and basis for the novel was his trip to Spain in 1925.
  • The Sanco and Vanzetti Case Execution

    The Sanco and Vanzetti Case Execution
    Two Italian men were convicted of murdering a guard and a paymaster in 1920. No one truly knows if these two men were innocent or guilty because of the amount of hatred and racism in this time. The trial occurred in 1921, resulting in the men being found guilty. Seven years later, they were executed by the electric chair. This case is still controversial to this day.
  • Hoover is Elected President

    Hoover is Elected President
    Rebuplican candidate, Herbert Hoover wins the election and is Americas 31st president. During his time in office was also the beginning of the Great Depression. Hoover could not efficiently help or end the depression so he was defeated in the election by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932.
  • The Saint Valentines Day Massacre

    The Saint Valentines Day Massacre
    This was the killing of seven men by the South Side Italian gang. This was a gang led by the infamous Al Capone. Gangs were a popular thing in the 1920s, especially because it was the Prohibition Era.
  • The Wall Street Crash

    The Wall Street Crash
    Also known as Black Tuesday, the Wall Street Crash of 1929 was the most catastrophic stock market crash in US history. This crash followed the London Stock Exchange's crash in September. This disasterous event signaled the start of the Great Depression which lasted 12 years and effected all Western industrialized countries.