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American History

  • Start of the Civil War

    Start of the Civil War
    Seven states had already succeeded from the Union at this time. The South Carolina government demanded the federal troops to leave Fort Sumter but they didn't. Lincoln sent supplies to them and this caused P.G.T. Beauregard to fire on the fort.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    Gained fame by being the bloodiest single day of the war. There were over 20,000 casualties. Was essentially a draw, but considered a draw because the South retreated.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    Considered the bloodiest battle of the war. It was Lee's last big invasion into a northern state. Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain received a Congressional Medal of Honor for defense of Little Round Top.
  • President Lincoln Issued 10% Plan

    President Lincoln Issued 10% Plan
    There was a pardon to all but the highest ranking military and civilian Confederate officers. When 10% of the voting population in the 1860 election had taken a oath of loyalty and established a government, it would be recognized as part of the Union. Was purposely established to not punish the South.
  • Lincoln Assassinated

    Lincoln Assassinated
    Abraham Lincoln went to Ford's Theater to see "Our American Cousin". John Wilkes Booth came up behind him and shot him in the back of the head. He survived through the night, but ended ups dying the next day.
  • Cutoff for Grandfather Clause

    Cutoff for Grandfather Clause
    The Grandfather Clause stated if a voter's father or grandfather was eligible to vote before 1867, they didn't have to take a literacy test. For most freed slaves their father's or grandfather's couldn't vote before 1867 and they couldn't pass the literacy test. This could affect what was done for the African Americans in this country and if they had a say in their country.
  • Alaska Sold to United States

    Alaska Sold to United States
    Secretary of State William Seward bought Alaska from Russia. Most Americans thought that Alaska was a barren piece of land. But they were proven wrong when gold was found.
  • Transcontinental Railroad Finished

    Transcontinental Railroad Finished
    The two railroads met at Promontory Point, Utah. The two railroads being the Central Pacific and Union Pacific Railroad. The presidents of the two both swung at the last gold spike.
  • Horace Greeley Dies

    Horace Greeley Dies
    Horace Greeley ran against Grant in election of 1872. He ran as a democrat/liberal republican candidate. He was attacked as a fool because of the contradicting things he said and did.
  • Chief Joseph and His People Surrender

    Chief Joseph and His People Surrender
    Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce led his people in an attempt to resist the takeover of their land. Once members of his tribe killed a group of settlers, he tried to flee to Canada w/ his followers. They successfully evaded the U.S. Army troops for over 1,500 miles. They eventually surrendered in October of 1877.
  • Gifting of the Statue of Liberty

    Gifting of the Statue of Liberty
    The Statue of Liberty was a gift from Frederic Auguste Bartholdi. It commemorated the 100-year anniversary of the American Revolution. It was originally called "The Statue of Liberty Enlightening the World".
  • Opening of the Brooklyn Bridge

    Opening of the Brooklyn Bridge
    At the time it was the longest suspension bridge. It was a span of 1,595.5 ft. It was designed by John Roebling, but was taken over by his son and wife when he died.
  • Sherman Antitrust Act

    Sherman Antitrust Act
    Outlawed monopolies and trusts. It did take more legislation to really make a difference. They didn't really stop even once it was illegal.
  • Attempt to Arrest Sitting Bull

    Attempt to Arrest Sitting Bull
    Reservation police tried to arrest Sitting Bull, who they thought was a Ghost Dancer. Sitting Bull ended up being shot and killed in the process. This increased tensions at Pine Ridge, which led to the Battle of Wounded Knee.
  • Ellis Island Opened

    Ellis Island Opened
    The immigration point from European countries into the East of the United States. 12 million people passed through during the 62 years it was opened. 40% of Americans can trace their heritage through Ellis Island.
  • Gold Found in Alaska

    Gold Found in Alaska
    William Seward was vindicated when gold was found in Alaska, 30 years after its purchase. It started what is known as the Klondike Gold Rush. Approximately 100,000 set off for Alaska in hopes of becoming rich.
  • Start of the Spanish-American War

    Start of the Spanish-American War
    The Spanish American War was fought in Cuba and the Philippines. The war started because of mistreatment by Spanish upon Cubans, Also, was started because of the sinking of the Maine.
  • Congress Declares War on Spain

    Congress Declares War on Spain
    This was fueled by sinking of the Maine primarily. President McKinley had sent the Maine to Havana Harbor in Cuba. It soon exploded and Spain was blamed for it, even though they denied it.
  • War in the Philippines Related to the Spanish-American War

    War in the Philippines Related to the Spanish-American War
    Commodore George Dewey defeated the Spanish Navy in the Philippines after only 6 hrs of battle. The capital was capture with the help of Filipino rebel Emilio Aguinaldo. Spain then surrendered two days later.
  • President William McKinley Assassinated

    President William McKinley Assassinated
    President McKinley was assassinated. This put Theodore Roosevelt, his Vice President, in charge of the country. Which made Roosevelt the youngest president of the United States ever.
  • Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire

    Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
    Largest factory fire in U.S. There were a bunch of teenage girls working 12 hours at a time. It was overcrowded and when the fire started they couldn't get out due to the doors being locked.
  • Assassination of Franz Ferdinand

    Assassination of Franz Ferdinand
    Franz Ferdinand was the heir of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. He was assassinated and then other countries got involved. Because of this, the First World War was started.
  • Sinking of the Lusitania

    Sinking of the Lusitania
    The Lusitania was a passenger ship traveling near Germany. Germany torpedoed it, sinking it with 1200 passengers and crew. The U.S. sharply criticized Germany for this because there were Americans on board.
  • NWP Formed

    NWP Formed
    Alice Paul and Lucy Burns formed the NWP. This party adopted the radical tactics of the British suffragettes. They were the main push for the 19th Amendment.
  • NWP Picket White House

    NWP Picket White House
    The National Women's Party started amping up their appearance to get the 19th Amendment passed. They started taking more radical movements than the women's activists before them. They began picketing the White House to make the President very aware of their presence.
  • America Joins WW1

    America Joins WW1
    At this point during the war, all participating countries were basically exhausted. Congress officially states that the U.S. is joining the war. This brought some more hope to the Allied Powers as well as fresh troops and new supplies.
  • End of WW1

    End of WW1
    World War 1 officially ended in February of 1918. This was brought about by the Treaty of Versailles. Because of their effort in the war, America started to be realized as a world power.
  • 18th Amendment Passed

    18th Amendment Passed
    The 18th Amendment banned the making and selling of alcohol. It was a big part of making Prohibition more of a thing. This played a major part of Christianity during the 20s.
  • 19th Amendment Passed

    19th Amendment Passed
    The 19th Amendment gave women the right to vote. Women around the country fought for this for a long time. Many even going to prison for the hope of voting.
  • John Scopes Arrested

    John Scopes Arrested
    During the 20s, teaching evolution in school was illegal. John Scopes was a biology teacher who decided to teach it anyways. He was arrested and his trial was nationally famous.
  • Buck v. Bell Decision

    Buck v. Bell Decision
    Supreme Court Case that was involved in the issue of eugenics. This legally allowed sterilization of "undesirables" in Virginia. The Court's decision, delivered by Oliver Wendell Homes Jr., included infamous phrase, "Three generations of imbeciles are enough."
  • Black Tuesday

    Black Tuesday
    The Stock Market was a huge thing in the 20s. Almost everyone had bought stock and if it crashed, they lost a lot of money. However, the Stock Market did crash on the day known as Black Tuesday.
  • Smoot-Hawley Tariff

    Smoot-Hawley Tariff
    This was a tariff passed through President Hoover. It ended up being one of the fails of Hoover and brought America deeper into the Depression. It raised the tax on U.S. imports up to 50%.
  • Revenue Act of 1932

    Revenue Act of 1932
    An Act passed through President Hoover. It was the largest peacetime tax increase ever. Income taxes were raised from 1-4% at the low end and from 23-63% at the high end.
  • FDR Begins Presidency

    FDR Begins Presidency
    President Roosevelt was elected in 1932. He was a reform-minded Democrat who promised relied during the Great Depression. He won against President Hoover with 57% of popular vote.
  • 21st Amendment Passed

    21st Amendment Passed
    The Prohibition Amendment was passed in 1920. But it ended up failing badly. Therefore the 21st Amendment repealed the 18th Amendment.
  • Hoover Dam Finished

    Hoover Dam Finished
    The Hoover Dam began construction in 1931 and finished 4 years later. It was originally named Boulder Dam, but renamed after President Hoover in 1947. It's located on the Colorado River, impounds Lake Mead and is a huge source of water and power for surrounding areas.
  • Hawai'i Becomes a State

    Hawai'i Becomes a State
    Hawai'i was made the 50th state in 1959. American plantation owners overthrew the Queen. Then they convinced the U.S. to annex and shortly after, they were made a state
  • Saving Ellis Island

    Saving Ellis Island
    At this point Ellis Island had been closed for about 11 years. It was taken over by National Park Service. It was later turned into a museum.