
  • Custer's Fall

    Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer was defeated at Little Bighorn by Native Americans.
  • Warner Bros

    Harry, Albert, Sam, and Jack Warner created Warner Bros.
  • The Great Railroad Strike of 1877

    Due to the stringent work conditions, workers across the country went on strike.
  • Creation of the Farmer's Alliance

    In Lampasas, Texas, many farmers met to form this union to try and restore economic power.
  • Thomas Edison's introduction of electric power and lighting

    Edison introduced his new research into electric power and lighting
  • Chinese Exclusion Act

    Congress suspended the immigration of all Chinese laborers.
  • Immigration Act

    Congress passed this act to deny admission to people who were not able to support themselves.
  • Buffalo Bill's traveling show

    Buffalo Bill created his traveling show of cowboys, Indians, sharpshooters, cavalrymen, and rangers.
  • The first rodeo

    In Pecos, Texas, cowboys from the Hash Knife and the W Ranch competed in roping and riding contests which became officially known as the first rodeo.
  • Haymarket Riot

    Thousands of workers struck across the country and specifically in Chicago, there were police forces who killed civilians and a bomb which killed several policemen.
  • Dawes General Allotment Act

    Congress passed this act to separate Native Americans onto their own individual allotments of land.
  • Pawnee Bill's Historic Wild West

    One of Buffalo Bill's workers went on to create his own show and became Bill's only competitor.
  • Thomas Edison patented the concept of motion pictures

    Edison innovated the rolling of film.
  • The creation of the Ghost Dance

    Wokova, a Northern Paiute prophet had a revelation and created the religious ceremony known as the Ghost Dance to let Native Americans know to not hurt anymore people and to always do right.
  • James B. Weaver

    On this date, James B. Weaver was nominated as a presidential candidate at the populist party's first national convention.
  • Panic of 1893

    The worst period of economic depression that the country had seen up to this point.
  • Frederick Jackson Turner's Frontier Thesis

    Turner came out with his theory of American history at the American Historical Association's World's Columbian Exposition.
  • William Jennings Bryan

    At the Democratic Party's national convention, William Jennings Bryan won over the crowd as well as the presidential candidacy.
  • William McKinley

    William McKinley was elected president.
  • Spanish-American War

    The U.S. aquired Hawaii after the Spanish-American War
  • Treaty of Paris

    This treaty officially ended the Spanish-American War.
  • Open Door Policy

    John Hay introduced this policy which said that Western powers would have equal access to Chinese markets.
  • American Anti-Imperialist League

    This league was founded to protest American imperial actions.
  • Gold Standard Act

    Congress passed this act to set the nation's monetary policy.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    American troops stopped this rebellion that opposed foreign trade with China.