WW2 ch 24 sec 1-4

  • Adolf Hitler becomes leader of Natzi party

    Adolf Hitler becomes leader of Natzi party
    Nazism is a form of fasism.
  • Benito Mussolini appointed prime minister of Italy

    Benito Mussolini appointed prime minister of Italy
    threatened to overthrough Italys elected government.
  • Josef Stalin sole dictator of the soviet union (USSR)

    Josef Stalin sole dictator of the soviet union (USSR)
    turned the soviet union into a totalitarian state
  • Japan's army siezes Manchuria, China

    Japan's army siezes Manchuria, China
    league of nations protested but took no action
  • Hitler is named Chancellor of Germany

    Hitler is  named Chancellor of Germany
  • Neutrality acts passed by us congress

  • italian army invades Ethopia in africia

    italian army invades Ethopia in africia
  • Hitler sends troops into Rhineland of Germany in violation of the Vesallies treaty

    Hitler sends troops into Rhineland of Germany in violation of the Vesallies treaty
  • Miliarist take control of Japanese government.

    Like the Nazi's in Germany
  • Japan's Army pillages Nanjing, China; massacre a quarter of a million people

    Japan's Army pillages Nanjing, China; massacre a quarter of a million people
  • Munich Pact signed giving the Sudetenland of Czechoslovackia to Germany.

  • Nazi's begin rounding up Jews for labor camps

  • Nazi Soviet Pact signed by Hitler and Stalin

  • Nazi's invade Poland: britian and frace declare war on germany