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History Timeline

  • 1401

    Commercial Revolution

    Commercial Revolution
    The Commercial Revolution took place on the 15th, 16th and 17th century.
    In this period the geographic knowledge increased due to the selling of products.
  • Scientific Revolution

    Scientific Revolution
    The scientific revolution took place in the 17th and 18th centuries.
    In this period lots of important scientists contributed impotant information like maths, physics, etc.
  • Intelectual Revolution

    Intelectual Revolution
    It took place in the 17th and 18th centuries.
    Great philosophers gave revolutionary ideas.
  • New Power

    New Power
    In 1698 steam was used to power new machinery.
    It lead to the use of other energies like water, steam, electricity, oil.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    The Industrial Revolution started in Great Britain.
    It didn't have a concrete start date, and it was gradual with slow changes. But after 1750 the changes started to be noticed.
    Most of the changes were: Mass production of goods, use of minerals and metals, development of factory system of production, Rural to urban migration and development and growth of new socio-economic classes.
    The classes were:
    At the top the factory owners, then the middle class and at the bottom the working class.
  • Start of the American Revolution

    Start of the American Revolution
  • End of the American Revolution

    End of the American Revolution
  • Period: to

    National Assembly

    Constitutional monarchy established
    Feudalism abolished
    Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen adopted
  • Storming of the Bastille (Start of the French Revolution)

    Storming of the Bastille (Start of the French Revolution)
    The medieval fortress/prison known as the Bastille was seen by the revolutionaries as a symbol of monarchy's abuse of power. The revolutionaries were mad about it so they decided to start the French Revolution.
    One of the causes of the French revolution was because of the social structure and the "ancien régime". The social structure was unfair to the lower range people because only the high range people had advantages.
  • Release of the Natural Rights

    Release of the Natural Rights
    The Natural Rights where the rights that everyone had since they born. John Locke was one of the persons who worked on them.
  • Period: to

    Legislative Assembly

    Constitutional monarchy undermined
    Mob forced King to flee to the safety of the Legislative Assembly
    War declared against Austria and Prussia
  • Period: to

    The First Republic and the Convention

    France declared a Republic ( Sept. 1792)
    France ruled by Committee of Public Safety
    Radicals (Jacobins) overcame moderates (Girondines)
    Terror used to execute "enemies of the regime"
    Robespierre executed
  • Start of the "War of the First Coalition"

    Start of the "War of the First Coalition"
    Austria, Great Britain, Spain and Prussia among others decide to form the first coalition to crush the French Republic.
    Napoleon forced the Austrian to surrender and sign the treaty of Campo Formio.
  • Start of The Reign of Terror

    Start of The Reign of Terror
    The Reign of Terror occurred because of all the unfairness of the powerful people in French.
    The Reign of Terror was a dark period of time during the French revolution. The Radicals took over the revolutionary government of France and they arrested and executed anyone who they suspected might not be loyal to the revolution
  • End of the Reign of Terror

    End of the Reign of Terror
    The Reign of Terror ended
  • Period: to

    The Directory

    Five director rules as executive
    Coups d'état attempted by radical and conservative forces
    Napoleon overthrew the government in a coup d'état (Nov. 1799)
  • End of the "War of the First Coalition

    End of the "War of the First Coalition
    The War of the First Coalition ended
  • Start of the "War of the Second Coalition"

    Start of the "War of the Second Coalition"
    The Second Coalition was formed in 1798 by Austria, Great Britain, Portugal, and Russia. French republic was suffering from corruption of the Directory.
    Napoleon reorganized the French army. In 1800 Napoleon and the "Grand Armée" defeated Austria and Forced Great Britain to sing.
  • End of the French Revolution

    End of the French Revolution
    The French revolution finally ended
  • Domestic System

    Domestic System
    The system development took place in the 1600s-1800s.
    With this system, the products were created by hand and with a slow production compared with the factory production.
    Also, the clients needed to give the materials to the seller.
  • Child Labour

    Child Labour
    One of the main issues in the Industrial Revolution was the Child labour in which the children were exploited to work in the factory, they were treated very badly by their overseer and often were injured because of the machinery or because of the hard job.
  • Indian Famine, 6 million died

    Indian Famine, 6 million died
    Famine = Extreme scarcity of food.
  • End of the "War of the Second Coalition"

    End of the "War of the Second Coalition"
    The War of the first coalition ended
  • Start of the "War of the Third Coalition"

    Start of the "War of the Third Coalition"
    The alliance against France was formed by Austria, UK, and Russia.
    They wanted to defeat Napoleon and all the power that France had.
    It was one of Napoleons biggest wars because he was in disadvantage, but he won.
  • Period: to

    Napoleonic Wars Background 1789-1802

    Napoleonic wars were a series of conflicts declared against Napoleon's French Empire
  • Napoleon becamed Emperor of France

    Napoleon becamed Emperor of France
    After he became First Consul of the republic in 1799, he wanted to go further and he became emperor of France in 1804.
  • End of the "War of the Third Coalition"

    End of the "War of the Third Coalition"
    The War of the Third Coalition ended
  • Start of the "War of the Fourth Coalition"

    Start of the "War of the Fourth Coalition"
    The new alliance was formed by Prussia, Russia, The UK, Sweden, and Saxony.
    Some members of the coalition had already fought against Napoleon, but although that the Coalition loosed.
  • End of the "War of The Fourth Coalition"

    End of the "War of The Fourth Coalition"
    The War of the Fourth Coalition ended
  • Start of the "War of the Fifth Coalition"

    Start of the "War of the Fifth Coalition"
    Austria and UK wanted to finally defeat Napoleons Army, but they ended up losing again.
    The UK was very angry with France because they didn't respect the Amiens treaty and the treaty didn't give anything to both France and the UK.
    Also, they killed the UK kings, so they wanted revenge.
    To stop Napoleon's power they infected with yellow fever.
    They wanted to fight with honor.
  • End of the "War of teh Fifth Coalition"

    End of the "War of teh Fifth Coalition"
    The War of the Fifth Coalition ended
  • Period: to

    British Raj

    The British Raj was the rule by the British Crown in the Indian subcontinent .
  • Period: to

    Growth of Armies

    The armies of both France and Germany had more than doubled.
  • The Unification of Germany

    The Unification of Germany
    Nationalism: The right to have a Nationality.
    People wanting to be part of a country, sharing a language, culture, and sense of belonging. Also, the idea that their country is superior to other nations.
  • The Unification of Germany (Congress of Viena)

    The Unification of Germany (Congress of Viena)
    The Congress of Viena wanted to unify but Clemens Van Metternich of Austria was against it. Instead, a weak German confederation was created, it was headed by Austria. Prussia and Austria dominated the German Confederation. Prussia had many advantages that allowed it to become a united state:
    -Primarily German
    -Powerful army
    -More Industralized
  • The Unification of Germany (Otto Von Bismarck)

    The Unification of Germany (Otto Von Bismarck)
    Otto Von Bismarck was the only one able to succeed in creating a united Germany.
    On 18 January 1871, Germany became a nation after the nationalistic war against France. So Otto became chancellor of a unified Germany in 1871.
    The methods of his "Blood and Iron" policy were:
    Blood - Military might/war
    Iron - Industry.
    Using war would make the Nation grow in an industrial way. With industrial advances, they could have a better army with better weapons.
  • The Dual Alliance

    The Dual Alliance
    Germany and Austria-Hungary made an alliance to protect themselves from Russia
  • Scramble for Africa

    Scramble for Africa
    Period of rapid colonization of the African continent by European powers. Thanks to the economic, military, scientific and social evolution that Europe was going through.
    The countries involved in this colonization were:
    -Great Britain
    The Capitalism, exploration, medical advances, politics and military innovation were causes for this event.
  • In the early 1880's... (Scramble for Africa)

    In the early 1880's... (Scramble for Africa)
    Rapid increase of European nations claiming territory in Africa:
    The French conquered the north part of Congo.
  • Austro-Serbian Alliance

    Austro-Serbian Alliance
    Austria-Hungary made an alliance with Serbia to stop Russia from gaining control of Serbia.
  • Britain occupies Egypt and Italy begins colonization in Eritrea

    Britain occupies Egypt and Italy begins colonization in Eritrea
  • The Triple Alliance

    The Triple Alliance
    Germany and Austria-Hungary made an alliance with Italy to stop Italy from taking sides with Russia.
  • British and French Somaliland was created

    British and French Somaliland was created
    British and French Somaliland was created; German South west Africa, Cameroon,German East Africa and Tongo were also crated.
    And Spain claimed Rio de Oro.
  • Negotiation of the control of Africa

    Negotiation of the control of Africa
    Portugal requested chancellor Otto Bon Bismarck to gather all western powers to negotiate the control over Africa.
  • By 1884, 80% of Africa under traditional local control

    By 1884, 80% of Africa under traditional local control
    The European powers made geometric boundaries that decided Africa into Fifty irregular countires.
  • The Berlin Conference

    The Berlin Conference
    The Berlin Conference regulated European colonization and trade in Africa. The conference was organized by Otto von Bismarck.
    The Berlin Conference made a set of rules for the "Orderly extension of European influence".
    1. Freedom of trade and navigation on the Congo Basin.
    2. Let know to the other countries if they had annexed territory or build a protectorate from that day on.
    3. Agreed to stop the slave trade.
  • Ambassadors of 14 European states were represented at the conference

    Ambassadors of 14 European states were represented at the conference
  • The Jewel in the Crown

    The Jewel in the Crown
    Greate Britain arrive India with their empire wanting to become a more powerfull country. Thats why they become and empire. the british government used their army to take over land, preventing other countries getting it first. But they made lots of things in India. Some of them are.
    1815 British rule
    1897 rail station
    1858 British ruled
    1947 Finished ruling
  • Franco-Russian Alliance

    Franco-Russian Alliance
    Russia formed an alliance with France to protect itself against Germany and Austria-Hungary.
  • Industralization of Japan (Cultural Aspects)

    Industralization of Japan (Cultural Aspects)
    The Tokugawa outlawed Christianity
    Some felt that Japan needed to open to the rest of the world so they could learn from others. The Meiji leaders also believed that they needed to become more like western countries.
    Meji officials also started to act and dress like western bureaucrats and some worn European clothes.
  • Industralization of Japan (Social Aspects)

    Industralization of Japan (Social Aspects)
    The Tokugawa established a rigid class system. Samurai were at the top, next were farmers and craftsmen, and the merchants were at the bottom.
    Tokugawa very carefully regulated contacts with the outside world.
    In 1872, Itakura sent a group of diplomats on a mission to observe the rest of the world.
    The middle and low ranked samurai were frustrated because they were excluded from higher positions in the government. Also, because the merchants earned more than them
  • Industralization of Japan (Economic Aspects)

    Industralization of Japan (Economic Aspects)
    Merchants became rich, even though they were at the bottom of the economic pyramid, while Samurais lived in poverty.
    In 1854 signed an unfair trade agreement with the Americans, these treaties forced the Japanese to accept tariff rates by foreign powers.
    In 1872 Japanese traveled around the world learning about factories.
    In 1883, there was an incident called the Rokumeikan in which the government raised taxes to pay the maintenance of this French hall. The building had to be sold in 1890.
  • Industralization of Japan

    Industralization of Japan
    This industrialization brought political, economic, cultural and social changes in the country.
  • Industrialization of Japan (Political Aspects, Part 1)

    Industrialization of Japan (Political Aspects, Part 1)
    In the early 1600s, the Tokugawa warrior clan established a samurai government.
    Tokugawa shoguns established a number of policies to ensure stability. They controlled one-fourth of the country.
    In the early nineteenth century, these policies became a problem.
  • Industralization of Japan (Political Aspects, Part 2)

    Industralization of Japan (Political Aspects, Part 2)
    Japan was politically divided during the seventeenth, eighteenth and early nineteenth century.
    In the 1860s, Samurais unified the opposition to the Tokugawa. They founded a new government.
    The new government was committed to learn from the west.
    In 1868, it issued the charter of Oath, which was a five-article document outlining the principals of the Meiji dominstration.
  • Period: to

    George Nataniel Curzon was Viceroy

  • British built dams and dug nearly 70,000 miles of canal, Introduced new legal system and helped settle ancient feuds between rival areas and regions.

    British built dams and dug nearly 70,000 miles of canal, Introduced new legal system and helped settle ancient feuds between rival areas and regions.
  • Moroccan Crisis

    Moroccan Crisis
    Morocco had been given to France by Britain, but the Moroccans wanted independence and were supported by Germany. War was avoided.
  • Entente Cordiale

    Entente Cordiale
    This was an agreement, but not a formal alliance, between France and Britain.
  • Dreadnought

    The British introduced a new eefective battleship called the "Dreadnought".
  • Triple Entente

    Triple Entente
    This was made between Russia, France and Britain to counter the increasing threat from Germany.
  • Anglo-Russian Entente

    Anglo-Russian Entente
    This was an agreement between Britain and Russia.
  • Bosnian Crisis

    Bosnian Crisis
    Austria-Hungary took over Bosnia. This angered Serbians who felt the province should be theirs. Serbia threatened Austria-Hungary with war, Russia, allied to Serbia, mobilised its forces. Germany, allied to Austria-Hungary mobilised its forces and prepared to threaten Russia, War was avoided when Russia backed down.
  • Moroccan Crisis

    Moroccan Crisis
    In 1911, the Germans were again protesting against French possession of Morocco.
    Britain supported France and Germany was persuaded to back down for part of French Congo.
  • Bosnian Crisis

    Bosnian Crisis
    In 1911 and 1912 there was war in the Balkans when the Balkan states drove Turkey out of the area. The states then fought each other over which area should belong to which state. Austria-Hungary intervened and forced Serbia to give up land. The tension between Serbia and Austria-Hungary was high.
  • Triple Entente (no separate peace)

    Triple Entente (no separate peace)
    Britain, Russia and France agreed not to sign for peace separately.
  • Trench Warfare

    Trench Warfare
    The Trench Warfare was a type of warfare using firearms, grenades and specially dug lines in which the soldiers protected themselves from the enemy, they used them to slowly approach the enemy which made them very ineffective.
    They started to use them during the WW1.
  • Assassination of Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophia Chotek

    Assassination of Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophia Chotek
    The Austro-Hungarian heir Franz Ferdinand and his wife Sophia Chotek was assassinated the 28 of June 1914 by a Serbian terrorist group called "The Black Hand" when they visited Saravejo, Bosnia.
    Franz wanted to visit the injured attendants in the hospital, but when the driver took a wrong turn a terrorist called Gavrilo Princip fired two shots, the first one at the pregnant Sophia, and the second one at Franz.
  • The Weimar Republic

    The Weimar Republic
    The Kaiser abdicated in 1919 having Germany to be governed by The Weimar Republic. The president would be elected every seven years, however real power rested in the hands of the Chancellor. Chancellor was the leader of the political party with most seats in the Reichstag.
  • The Weimar Republic (Part 2)

    The Weimar Republic (Part 2)
    The Germans disliked The Weimar Republic because it was associated with the Treaty of Versailles which was extremely unpopular in Germany, it was also was associated with the massive inflation and economic ruin of the 20s, and because the democracy was not running smoothly in Germany, there were too many parties and no clear majority.
  • Paris Peace Conference

    Paris Peace Conference
    The Paris Peace Conference was the meeting of the victorious Allied Powers following the end of World War I to set the peace terms for the defeated Central Powers.
    Some countries were excluded from attending the Paris Peace Conference because they were the countries who were defeated at the war, they excluded them because they didn't want them to have the chance to speak at the conference.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles was the most important of the peace treaties that brought World War I to an end. The Treaty ended the state of war between Germany and the Allied Powers. It was signed in Versailles, five years after the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, that led to the war. The other Central Powers on the German side also signed other treaties.
  • Decisions Made for Germany (Treaty of Versailles Part 2)

    Decisions Made for Germany (Treaty of Versailles Part 2)
    For Germany it was decided to take away their power so they couldn't become a threat if another war started, they made the Germans pay for everything, removed their warships, forced them to decrease the number of their army, and took lands from them.
  • The Rise of Adolf Hitler

    The Rise of Adolf Hitler
    The rise of Hitler started in 1920 when Hitler who was a former German soldier joined the German Workers Party and soon became its leader, then he changed the name of the party to the Nationalist Socialist German Workers Party or Nazis for short.
  • Fascism

    Political Ideology of Fascism developed by Mussolini in Italy
  • Hyperinflation in Germany

    Hyperinflation in Germany
    By 1923 German money was useless because of the Hyperinflation, which means that there was a lot of money being produced because it had very small value.
  • Munich Beer Hall

    Munich Beer Hall
    Hitler and his party started to become more popular and gain more public support, in 1923 Hitler miscalculated his strength and organized an ill-fated attempt at taking power at the “Munich Beer Hall”.
  • Nazism

    Hitler's view on democracy was that there should be a leader elected who would then assume dictatorial powers.
    A key part of Hitler's philosophy was the superiority of the Aryan (pure German) race. He believed that Germans were the purest example of the human race, with Jews, Slavs, and Africans at the other end of the scale.
  • Publication of "Mein Kampf"

    Publication of "Mein Kampf"
    After the Putsch was put down, Hitler was imprisoned where he wrote “Mein Kampf”, which outlined goals of Nazism. Later on, when he was released, he published his book.
    With the release of his book, many Germans started supporting Hitler because of his idea of Nazism.
  • Hilter and the Reichstag

    Hilter and the Reichstag
    In 1930 the Nazis gained the second most seats in the Reichstag, 107 out of 647 seats, the Nazis used disruptive tactics to prevent things from being accomplished.
  • Japan Attacked China

    Japan Attacked China
    Japan had attacked China, but the League had been unable to stop Japan capturing the Chinese province of Manchuria.
  • Hilter and the Reichstag (Part 2)

    Hilter and the Reichstag (Part 2)
    In 1932 first election Nazis had 230 seats, the most of any party. But Hitler is denied chancellorship by President Hindenburg.
  • Jewish Population in Europe

    Jewish Population in Europe
    The Jewish population was over 4 million in Europe.
    They lived in countries that later would be under the Nazi influence
  • Anti-Jewish Legislation in Prewar Germany

    Anti-Jewish Legislation in Prewar Germany
    The 25-point program of 1920, Nazi party members publicly declared their intention to segregate Jews from "Aryan" society.
    During the first six years of Hitler's dictatorship (1933 - 1939) Jews felt the effects of 400 decrees and regulations that restricted all aspects of their public and private life.
  • Hitler Withdrew Germany from the League of Nations

    Hitler Withdrew Germany from the League of Nations
  • Hitler Tries Becomes Chancellor

    Hitler Tries Becomes Chancellor
    Hitler elected Chancellor of Germany promising rescue from economic chaos.
  • Period: to

    Limitations for the Jews

    The 1st wave of legislation focused on limiting the participation of Jews in German public life.
    "Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service"
  • Hitler Tries Becomes Dictator

    Hitler Tries Becomes Dictator
    Frustrated by his lack of majority, Hitler calls another election for February 1933. He required the majority to pass laws which would allow him absolute control over Germany. During this election, Germans lost freedom of speech. Hitler used the attempt to burn the Reichstag by a communist as an excuse to convince the Reichstag to pass legislation known as the “Enabling Acts”, which gave him the ability to pass laws without them having to pass through the Reichstag.
  • Hitler Tries Becomes Dictator (Part 2)

    Hitler Tries Becomes Dictator (Part 2)
    Hitler's Nazi Party officially declared itself the only political party in Germany and outlawed the formation of any other parties
  • Night of the Long Knives

    Night of the Long Knives
    Hitler eliminates all internal challenges to his leadership using the Secret Police (S.S).
  • Hitler Becomes Dictator

    Hitler Becomes Dictator
    In August 1933 Hindenburg dies and Hitler takes both Presidency and Chancellor
  • Nuremberg Laws

    Nuremberg Laws
    Annual party rally in Nuremberg in September 1935:
    New laws that institutionalized many of the racial theories of the Nazi Ideology called "Nuremberg Laws".
  • Hitler Openly Builds up the Military; Mussolini Invades Ethiopia

    Hitler Openly Builds up the Military; Mussolini Invades Ethiopia
  • Hitler Sent his Troops Into the Rhineland

    Hitler Sent his Troops Into the Rhineland
  • Hitler sent his Troops into the border area with France (Called Rhineland), Italy and Germany support the rise of Francisco Francoin Spain.

    Hitler sent his Troops into the border area with France (Called Rhineland), Italy and Germany support the rise of Francisco Francoin Spain.
  • Summer Olympics

    Summer Olympics
    The Summer Olympics of 1936 were held in Berlin.
    Hitler was on his best behavior as they removed much of the Nazi propaganda and toned down the Anti-Semitism.
    Hitler hoped the Aryan race would dominate the Olympics, but a black man from Ohio, Jesse Owens, won four gold medals.
  • Military gains control of the Japanese Government, Alliance of Axis powers occurs. Japan invades China.

    Military gains control of the Japanese Government, Alliance of Axis powers occurs. Japan invades China.
  • Trouble in Austria

    Trouble in Austria
    Hitler instructed pro-German Austrians to start trouble in the country.
  • Munich Agreement

    Munich Agreement
    Germany annexed Austria (Anschluss), British Prime Minister Chamberlain calls for a conference at Munich; Munich Agreement signed giving part of Czechoslovakia to Germany in exchange for Hitler's "promise" not to make any more demands.
  • Night of Broken Glass

    Night of Broken Glass
    Kristallnacht: The first time the Nazis used violence against Jews.
    Violence against Jews broke across the Reich, set off by the assassination of a German official in Paris at the hands of a Jewish teenager.
    -267 Synagogues burned down or destroyed.
    -7,500 Number of Jewish-owned stores destroyed.
  • The Euthanasia Program

    The Euthanasia Program
    200,000 physical and mentally disabled patients that lived in German institutions were killed by the Nazis.
  • Germany takes Czechoslovakia

    Germany takes Czechoslovakia
    Germany takes the rest of Czechoslovakia, Nazi-Soviet Non-Agressioin pact signed, Poland is invaded. - WWII begins.
  • Nazi-Soviet Pact

    Nazi-Soviet Pact
    Stalin and Hitler signed the Nazi-Soviet Pact and agreed to share Poland between them.
  • Total War (WWII)

    Total War (WWII)
    -WWII was even more of a total war than WWI.
    -Huge amounts of government control over citizens, economies, and colonies were exercised.
    -All citizens were engaged in war production (buying war bonds, women producing weapons in factories, governments deciding production, for example, No cars were produced in the USA during WWII - only tanks, etc).
    -Extensive propaganda was used.
  • Start of World War 2

    Start of World War 2
    The trigger of WW2 was when Germany attacked and invaded Poland and, because of that, Britain and France declared war on Germany, initiating WW2. Hitler wanted to invade Poland because of his idea of German expansion that said that the Germans, who were the “superior” race, needed more territories to live in. Hitler thought that nothing would happen because he previously invaded other countries like Austria or Czechoslovakia successfully, without provoking other major powers. He was wrong.
  • World War 2

    World War 2
    -Cost 5 Trillion in today's money.
    -1/3 of the world's productive capacity was towards war production.
    -60M died (20M Soldiers, 40M Civilians) - 85% on Allied side (Great Britain, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, France, USSR, and the United States) and 15% on the Axis side (Germany, Italy, Japan).
    -Gender and Hierarchy relationships further changed (Woman had to work).
    -Resulted in the decline of Europe, the rise of the USA and USSR, and the creation of independent nations out of former colonies
  • Hitler Attacks Western Europe

    Hitler Attacks Western Europe
  • Battle of Britain

    Battle of Britain
    Summer 1940 - Battle of Britain: Germany attempts to use its air force to bomb Britain into submission: Targeted Cities and Civilians.
  • France Surrenders

    France Surrenders
  • Dunkirk Evacuated

    Dunkirk Evacuated
  • France Fell

    France Fell
    But there was a French Resistance
  • The Holocaust

    The Holocaust
    “Holocaust” means “Athin Wholly Burnt”.
    The Holocaust was a genocide in which Nazi Germany murdered six million European Jews, two-thirds of the Jewish population of Europe.
    The Jews were executed in concentration camps where they went sent after living in the Ghettos.
  • Germany invades USSR; Japan takes most of Indochina; Pearl Harbor - USA joins the War.

    Germany invades USSR; Japan takes most of Indochina; Pearl Harbor - USA joins the War.
  • Period: to

    Creation of Ghettos

    Between 1941 and 1944 the Nazi government moved the Jewish people from the Ghettos to extermination camps.
  • North African Theater

    North African Theater
    El Alamein (July - November 1942) - British drove defeat Germans and push toward the Suez Canal.
  • Eastern Front

    Eastern Front
    Stalingrad ( August 1942 - February 1943) - Soviets prevent Germans from capturing south Russia and access the oil in the east at a HUGE cost.
  • Pacific Theater

    Pacific Theater
    Midway (June 1942) - Naval Battle in Wich the United States destroyed much of the Japanese aircraft carrier fleet.
  • The Tide Turns Against the Axis

    The Tide Turns Against the Axis
    Americans pushed Japan back with help from Guerilla uprisings in Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines.
    Britain and America take out Italy, Soviets push Germany out of Russia.
  • The Allies Liberate Rome

    The Allies Liberate Rome
  • D-Day (Disembarkation Day)

    D-Day (Disembarkation Day)
    The Allies attack Germany by going through France.
  • The Final Solution

    The Final Solution
    The Germans would have killed two of every three European Jews as part of their policy called the "Final Solution".
    Hitler sent the Jews to concentration camps because he was loosing and wanted to finish everything he started.
  • Mussolini and his Mistress, Claretta Petacci are hung in Milan

    Mussolini and his Mistress, Claretta Petacci are hung in Milan
  • The Big Three Meeting

    The Big Three Meeting
    The Big Three (Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin) meta at a city called Yalta to discuss post-war plans.
  • Hitler Commits Suicide (and Nazi officials with their famillies)

    Hitler Commits Suicide (and Nazi officials with their famillies)
  • Germans Surrender

    Germans Surrender
  • USA Bombs Hiroshima

    USA Bombs Hiroshima
  • USA Bombs Nagasaki

    USA Bombs Nagasaki
  • Japan Surrenders

    Japan Surrenders
  • End of World War 2

    End of World War 2
  • Period: to

    The Holocaust Aftermath

    Displaced Persons Camps (DP).
    1948 - 1951: 700, 000 emigrated to Israel.
    136,000 Jew DPs went to Israel others to the USA and other nations.
    The last Dp camp closed in 1957.