Image 6461

World War 2

By 0x4g3n
  • 1944 BCE

    Korematsu v. United States

    Evacuation of the Japanese Americans is justified upon military necessity. After, Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) was created to push the government to compensate for lost property while in camps. Later, President Ronald Reagan signed a bill that guaranteed $20,000 to every Japanese American sent to a relocation camp.
  • 1943 BCE

    US convoy system

    A ships formation that consists of group of ships that are supported by destroyers w/sonar & is supported with airplanes that also used radar to detect U-boats on the ocean surface.
  • 1939 BCE

    Joseph Stalin's totalitarian government in the Soviet Union

    Stalin's totalitarian government took away all citizen rights and government stops all opposition. Agricultural and industrial growth was the main economic goals. All private own farms were replaced with collective (large gov farms). Economic activities were under state management. 1937, World's largest industrial power in exchange of human costs (8mill to 13mill people including 1mill more died in famines)
  • 1939 BCE

    Manhattan Project

    The extensive research of creating the atomic bomb in Columbia University with Advisory Committee on Uranium. Estimated to create the bomb in 3 to 5 years. The interest of creating the atomic bomb started after German scientist succeeded in splitting uranium atoms.
  • 1936 BCE

    Mussolini's invasion of Ethiopia

    Mussolini was expanding his empire, and then invaded Ethiopia. League of Nations tried to stop by using ineffective economic boycott after "collective resistance to all acts of unprovoked aggression." Haile Selassie ousted the Ethiopian emperor for League for assistance, but nothing was done.
  • 1935 BCE

    Hitler's military build up in Germany

    Germany was out of the League of Nations in 1933, and began military expansion violating Treaty of Versailles.
  • 1935 BCE

    Hitler invades Rhineland

    The new military expansion was sent to Rhineland which bordered France and Belgium which was demilitarized under the Treaty of Versailles.
  • 1933 BCE

    Third Reich

    Third German empire established after Hitler appointed chancellor, and dismantled Weimar Republic, and was believed to last for thousand years.
  • 1932 BCE

    Storm Troopers

    6mill Germans were unemployed, so they relied on American loans and investments. Men that are unemployed wore brown shirts in Hitler's private army.
  • 1931 BCE

    Japanese invasion of Manchuria

    Japanese attacked Manchuria (2x Texas) to control the entire province for resources and expansion. League of nations condemned Japan, so Japan left. Militarist were in control of Japan's government.
  • 1921 BCE

    Benito Mussolini's fascist government in Italy

    Fascist government stressed nationalism and placed the interest of the state above those of individuals. Fascist leaders believed that a single strong leader and a small group devoted party members is best. Mussolini had supporter that wore black uniforms called Black Shirts to Rome. He was called II Duce(the leader), but crushed all opposition and making Italy a totalitarian state.
  • 1919 BCE

    Adolf Hitler's rise to power in Germany

    Hitler joined the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi Party). Later, he proved to be a strong public speaker and organizer became the "Der Fuhrer" (the leader), and promised to bring Germany out of chaos.
  • 1919 BCE

    Mein Kampf

    Hitler wrote Mein Kampf to set basic beliefs to Nazism which was the plan for the Nazi Party. Nazism was then made that is based on fascism & extreme nationalism. Hitler was a firm believer in racial "purification" which showed that the Aryans was the master race while Jews, Slavs, and all non-whites were the inferior races. National expansion was a movement to expand more living space (lebensraum).
  • Francisco Franco

    A Spanish rebellion that consisted of Spanish army officers that was led by Francisco Franco & was supported by Soviet Union (equipment/advisors), Hitler, & Mussolini (troops, weapons, tanks, and fighter planes) against the Spanish republic. Spanish Civil War began which got the 3,000 Americans to form the Abraham Lincoln Battalion to go against the rebellion.
  • Rome-Berlin Axis

    An alliance that consisted of German and Italian dictators. Franco's rebellion lost about 500,00 lives, but was victorious in 1939 & was Spain's fascist dictator resulting in a totalitarian government.
  • Hitler's Anschluss

    Unified Austria in favor of the 6 million German people with Germany. The world took no action to stop it.
  • Munich Agreement

    Hitler wanted to annex Sudetenland, Czechoslovakia for more living space for Germany, and control its important natural resource. Hitler believed the Sudeten Germans were abused, so France and Great Britain promised to protect Czechoslovakia. In the end, Sudetenland was turned over to Hitler which was agreed by Daladier and Chamberlain under the Munich.
  • Nonaggression pact

    Hitler was targeting Poland because of him believing that the Germans were mistreated and needed protection. Stalin proposed the Nonaggression pact with Hitler to not attack each other, and also proposed a secret pact that divided Poland between Russia and Germany eliminating a two front war.
  • Battle of the Atlantic

    Hitler ordered submarine raids against ships along the America's east coast. Germans primary objective was to stop food and war materials trade from Great Britain and the Soviet Union. Germans sank 87 ships off the Atlantic shore along with 681 additional ships from the allies(1942).
  • Britain and France declare war on Germany

    The blitzkrieg tactic was successful before France, Britain, and other allies could mount a defense. Later, Soviet Union attacked East Poland to get some territory. WWII began while 2/3 of West Poland is annexed from Germany.
  • Phony War

    French and British troops stationed on the Maginot Line, and the Germans called it a sitzkrieg ("sitting war"). Stalin began annexing the Baltic state of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania after getting East Poland. Late 1939, he advanced to Finland in which the Finns surrendered.
  • Blitzkrieg

    German Luftwaffe (German air force) rained bombs on military bases, airfields, railroads, and cities. At the same time, German tanks crossed the Polish countryside to spread terror & confusion. Blitzkrieg created fast tanks and powerful aircraft to create a surprise attack with quick accomplishment.
  • Hitler's invasion of Denmark and Norway

    Hitler invaded Denmark and Norway in order to "protect those countries' freedom and independence. The true plan is to build based along the coast to strike Great Britain.
  • Germany and Italy's invasion of France

    German offensive trapped about 400,000 British and French soldier that fled to the beaches of Dunkirk. Later were sent to safety with a makeshift fleet of fishing trawlers, tugboats, river barges, and pleasure craft (800+ vessels) along with Belgian troops though the English Channel. Italy invaded Southern France while the German approached Paris from the North.
  • Hitler's invasion of the Netherlands

    Hitler attacked the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg (ended in May; end of Phony war).
  • Marshal Philippe Petain

    Germans would occupy northern France, and a Nazi controlled puppet government under Marshal Philippe Petain, and set up at Vichy in southern France.
  • The Battle of Britain

    Germans ran bombing runs with about 2,000 planes over Britain day and night for 2 months to gain control of the air space by destroying Britain's Royal Air Force. Britain fought back with radar during night aerial warfare resulting 185 German planes shot down while only losing 26 aircraft. Germans still tried to disrupt production and break civilian moral after while the British pilots bomb German cities.
  • Lend Lease Act

    Lend/lease arms and other supplies to any country whose defense was vital to the United States. Was made after radio about Britain possibly losing, and the Axis powers being unchallenged to conquer the world.
  • Office of Price Administration

    OPA was made to fight inflation by pausing price on most goods which led to increasing income tax rate and extending tax on million of people. Higher taxes reduced consumer demand on scarce good having workers less to spend & encouraged Americans to use their extra money to buy war bonds. Inflation was 30% below.
  • Pearl Harbor attack

    An air raid attack by 180 Japanese warplanes, and had killed 2,403 Americans and wounded 1,178. The attack sunk/damaged 21 ships including 8 battleships. 300 aircraft was critically damaged/destroyed. 3 aircraft carriers were in good condition.
  • War Productions Board

    WPB ensured the armed force and war industries received the resources that was needed to win the war by converting companies focus on wartime production and allocating raw materials to key industries. They also organized drives such as scrap iron, tin cans, paper, rags, and cooking fat to be recycled into war goods. Children had to do a paper drive in Chicago, and collected 36mill lbs of old paper (65lbs/child).
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Germans fought the Soviet Union since 1941, but the German advancements were stopped by the sheer cold outside of Moscow and Leningrad. Hitler's plan was to take the Soviet oil fields in the Caucasus Mountains & take out Stalingrad. Stalingrad was attacked by nightly bombing raids resulting is desperate measures to abandon the city Volga. It was countered by Soviet army tanks that surrounded the German army cutting off supplies. German commander/starving troops surrendered on Jan 31, 1943.
  • Internment

    General Delos Emmons (military governor) confined 1,444 Japanese Americans in Hawaii (1% of JP-AM population out of 37% of JP-AM). President Roosevelt signed executive order 9066 to put 110,000 Japanese American in remote relocated centers (prison camps).
  • Women's Auxiliary Army Corps

    The need to increase military work force was pushed by George Marshall Army Chief of Staff for the WAAC. The WAAC allowed women to work in noncombat positions. Later, women were granted to work as nurses, ambulance driver, radio operators, electricians, and pilots except direct combat (1943).
  • Operation Torch

    An invasion the Axis controlled North Africa, and the invasion was commanded by American Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower. May 1943, Afrika korps surrendered after invasion of Casablanca, Oran, and Algiers.
  • Unconditional surrender

    Acceptance any terms of peace that Allies dictated. Meeting took place in Casablanca with Roosevelt, Churchill, and other commanders. Only two leaders agreed to accept only the unconditional surrender of the Axis powers.
  • Bloody Anzio

    Hitler was planning to stops Allies in Italy, and the Bloody of Anzio was fought near Rome that lasted for 4 months until 1944. There was 25,000 Allied and 30,000 Axis casualties. Effort to free Italy did not succeed until 1945.
  • The Battle of the Bulge

    American captured Aachen, and hitler wanted to gain back Belgian port of Antwerp while disrupting their supply lines and demoralizing the other Allies. December 16, German broke through American defenses along 80mi front hoping to brake American and British force along with supplies. Later, tanks drove into Allied territory creating a bulge in the lines while capturing 120 American GIs near Malmedy & SS troopers killed prisoners. L: 120k troops, 600 tanks/AG, and 1600 planes. Nazis retreated.
  • Harry S. Truman

    President Roosevelt did not see V-E day. Later on while in Warm Springs, Georgia, he had a stroke and died. Harry S. Truman was then the nation's 33rd president.
  • Death of Hitler

    Hitler shot himself in his underground headquarters in Berlin, and his wife Eva Braun drank poison. He blamed the Jew for starting the war & his generals for losing it. Both bodies were burned.
  • V-E Day

    General Eisenhower accepted the unconditional surrender of the Third Reich. Celebration of Victory in Europe Day. War in Europe is has ended.
  • D-Day

    Also known as Operation Overlord that was an invasion that consisted of 3 divisions behind enemy lines. The allies did massive air and sea bombardment by allies, but Germans retaliated brutally.