Novel Timeline

  • Billy can also go back in time to his childhood

  • Hitler invaded Poland

  • France and Britain declared war on Germany.

  • Beginning of World War 2

  • Germany made France Fall

  • Germany takes over Europe and North Africa

  • The Battle of Midway

  • Billy was drag to the army

  • Billy was capture by Germany and took him as a prisoner

  • Beginning of Battle of Bulge

  • Billy was sent to New York

    the war ended
  • Adolf Hitler and his wife of one day, Eva Braun, commit suicide

  • Harry S. Truman becomes US President

  • Nuclear Bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki Japan surrender

  • Germany Concentration Camps Liberated

  • End of The Battle of Bulge

  • End of World War 2

  • Billy marries Valencia Merble

  • Billy has two children

  • John F. Kennedy was killed

  • Billy meets the Tralfamadorian

    This are aliens which Billy sees and can talk to them
  • Billy get into a crash plane

    Billy was one of the few that survive
  • Billy's wife Valencia dies of an car accident

    She gets into a car crash while going to see Billy in the hospital
  • France economy goes down

  • Billy tells the world about the Tralfamadorian

    He goes the a near radio and tell everyone who they are