
James Garfield

  • James Garfield is born

    James Garfield is born
    Eliza Ballou Garfield gave birth to James Garfield on this date.
  • Schooling

    James A. Garfield was in college for 3 years from 1851 to 1854.
  • Marrige

    James Garfield was married to Lucerita Garfield. They got married on November 11, 1858
  • Governmental position

    Governmental position
    James Garfield. Served nine terms in the United States House of Representatives and was the only sitting member of the House to be elected president.
  • Political party unusual facts

    Political party unusual facts
    Garfield was elected to the Ohio Senate. As a senator, he advocated for forcing Southern states who had seceded to rejoin the Union.
  • Jobs before presidency

    Jobs before presidency
    James Garfield was a lawyer and Civil War general, he served nine terms in the United States House of Representatives and was the only sitting member of the House to be elected president.
  • Musket trip

    Musket trip
    a trip to Illinois to purchase muskets, Garfield returned to Ohio and, in August 1861, received a commission as a colonel in the 42nd Ohio Infantry regiment. The 42nd Ohio existed only on paper, so Garfield's first task was to fill its ranks.
  • Military experience

    Military experience
    James Garfield was a Major general. He was the 42nd Ohio Volunteer Infantry 20th Brigade, 6th Division, Army of the Ohio. He fought in the American Civil War Battle of Middle Creek Battle of Shiloh Siege of Corinth Tullahoma Campaign Battle of Chickamauga.
  • Political Party

    Political Party
    James Garfield was a part of the republican 1862, Ohioans elected him to Congress. President Lincoln persuaded him to resign his commission: It was easier to find major generals than to obtain effective Republicans for Congress. Garfield repeatedly won re-election for 18 years, and became the leading Republican in the House
  • Second Child

    Second Child
    Their first kid was harry Augustus Garfield was the first kid of James Garfield and lead the U.S. Fuel Administration for President Woodrow Wilson during Word War I.
  • Third Child

    Third Child
    James Garfield had another child 2 years after Harry Garfield. His name was James Rudolph .Garfield and he was an American lawyer and politician. He served as Secretary of the Interior during President Theodore Roosevelt's administration.
  • Fourth Child

    Fourth Child
    Mary "Mollie" Garfield. Mollie was educated by her parents. She started to learn French at the age of five. In 1876, when Mollie was nine, an English governess named Martha Mays became a part of the Garfield household. She taught Mollie French, Latin, mathematics, and English. “Aunt Patty” Mays was also a companion and chaperone for the young Garfield's. At age twelve, Mollie began to attend Madame Burr’s School on New York Avenue in Washington.
  • Fifth Child

    Fifth Child
    Irvin Garfield. Irvin attended Williams College in Massachusetts, just like his father and brothers. Irvin also attended Harvard Law School and worked at the firm in Cleveland called Garfield and Garfield. He was a career American army officer. He is best known for his defeat in the First Battle of Bull Run, the first large-scale battle of the American Civil War. In 1862, he was given command of the I Corps of the Army of the Potomac.
  • Sixth Child

    Sixth Child
    Abram Garfield was the youngest son of President and Mrs. James A. Garfield. He became one of the premier Cleveland, Ohio architects
  • Elected to office

    Elected to office
    James Garfield was elected to office on march 4, 1881. He is also the 20th president of the united states.
  • Major events

    Major events
    Garfield's accomplishments as president included his resurgence of presidential authority against senatorial courtesy in executive appointments, a purge of corruption in the Post Office, and his appointment of a Supreme Court justice.
  • James Garfield selects his cabniet

    James Garfield selects his cabniet
    Garfield completes his slate of cabinet members, naming James G. Blaine as Secretary of State and Abraham Lincoln's son, Robert, as Secretary of War. Garfield angers Conkling with his nomination of William Windom of Minnesota, a non-Eastern man, as Secretary of Treasury. Further, Garfield denies Conkling influence in New York politics by appointing William H. Robertson as collector of the port of New York and Thomas L. James postmaster of New York.
  • James Garfield sends nominations to senate

    James Garfield sends nominations to senate
    Garfield sends his list of nominations to the Senate, which includes New York senator Conkling's contingent. Conkling will continue to be a source of conflict for the President.
  • Garfield removes E. A. Meritt

    Garfield removes E. A. Meritt
    Garfield removes E. A. Meritt from the collectorship of the New York Customhouse after Conkling feels assured that the President would not make any such changes. Garfield then sends W. H. Robertson's name to the Senate as his replacement, intensifying the struggle between Garfield and Conkling.
  • Filibuster Begins

    Filibuster Begins
    A Democratic filibuster, which ties up the Senate beginning March 23, ends when Garfield agrees to remove certain appointments. The end of the filibuster allows Garfield to push for Robertson's confirmation to the New York Customhouse. Earlier, Senator Conkling threatens to publish the Hubbell letter, which appears to link Garfield to the Star Route Scandal, a scheme to skim money from the U.S. Post Office.
  • James Garfield removes nominations

    James Garfield removes nominations
    On the eve of the senatorial vote on the New York nominees, Garfield learns that Conkling intends to delay action on other nominees and moves for adjournment before Robertson can be considered. Garfield removes all of his nominations with the exception of Robertson.
  • New York senators resign

    New York senators resign
    New York senators Roscoe Conkling and Tom Platt resign to protest Garfield's removal of New York nominees to secure Robertson's confirmation.
  • The Senate confirms Robertson

    The Senate confirms Robertson
    The Senate confirms Robertson as collector of customs for the port of New York.
  • American Association of the Red Cross

    American Association of the Red Cross
    Clara Barton organizes the American Association of the Red Cross, modeled after the International Red Cross, in Washington, D.C. Barton serves as the organization's volunteer president until 1904.
  • James Garfield is shot

    James Garfield is shot
    President Garfield is shot in a D.C. train station by Charles Julius Guiteau, an unstable Stalwart attorney who had been denied a consular post. “I am a stalwart,” Guiteau proclaims. “Arthur is now President of the United States.”
  • Normal School for Colored Teachers established

    Normal School for Colored Teachers established
    Established in 1880, the Normal School for Colored Teachers, now Tuskegee University, officially opens its doors in Tuskegee, Alabama. Dr. Booker T. Washington serves as the school's first president.
  • Sickness

    Jame Garfield died of a ruptured splenic artery aneurysm, following sepsis and bronchial pneumonia
  • James Garfield Dies

    James Garfield Dies
    James Garfield dies from blood poisoning and complications after surgeons search endlessly to find the lost bullet in his back, lodged in his pancreas. Vice President Chester A. Arthur becomes the twenty-first President of the United States The assassin, Guiteau, will be hanged on June 30, 1882.
  • Left office

    Left office
    James Garfield left office when he died
  • After death

    After death
    James Garfield's assassination was instrumental to the passage of the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act on January 16, 1883. Garfield himself had called for civil service reform in his inaugural address and supported it as president in the belief that it would make government more efficient.