
North East Africa

  • Period: 2660 BCE to 2160 BCE

    The Egyptian Old Kingdom

    By 2660 – 2160 BCE, the Egyptian Old Kingdom is known as the “Age of the Pyramids”. The period before the Old Kingdom is called the Early Dynastic Period. Even though Egypt had become one country under the First Dynasty, it was under the rule of Pharaoh Djoser, founder of the Third Dynasty, that the central government became organized and strong. The Old Kingdom of Egypt also built the first pyramid, the Pyramid of Djoser, and the largest pyramid, the Great Pyramid at Giza.
  • 2650 BCE

    The First Step Pyramid is Built

    The First Step Pyramid is Built
    The pyramid of Djoser is the first step pyramid ever built. It was built over 4700 years ago, in the year 2650 BCE, constructed in Saqqara of Egypt. It started off as a tomb for high kings and people with social power. This was an important event because it inspired the construction of the great pyramids of Giza, one of the seven wonders of the world. It started as a box-like structure that they expanded with smaller layers on top of each other until they had a step-like structure.
  • Period: 2400 BCE to 1500 BCE

    The Kingdom of Kermas

    By 2400 – 1500 BCE, the Kingdom of Kermas was an ancient civilization which is located in North Sudan today. It was a Nubian kingdom centered in the town of Kerma, and controlled the Nile river between the third and fourth cataract, in Upper Nubia. Kerman History can be divided into four periods, early Kerma Period, Middle Kerma Period, Classic Kerma, and Late Kerma. Kerma’s most focus was a temple known as the Deffufa. It contains religious building, large circular dwelling, and a palace.
  • Period: 2040 BCE to 1640 BCE

    The Egyptian Middle Kingdom

    By 2040 – 1640 BCE, the Egyptian Middle Kingdom is considered ancient Egypt’s classical age. Nubia is one of the ancient regions in Northeast Africa. The upper Nubia is the most important region, it was called Kush, which extended from the north to the south of Nile river. This new kingdom controlled a large amount of land is what is now today called Sudan Kush also ruled the Egyptian empire for the century. Lower Nubia was referred to as Wawat.
  • 1600 BCE

    The New Kingdom

    The New Kingdom
    By 1600 BC, the Egypt New Kingdom, also referred to as the Egyptian Empire, is the period in ancient Egyptian history between the 16th century BC and the 11th century BC. Its expansion was the start of the form of the new kingdom. It was Egypt's most prosperous time and marked the peak of its power. Their expansion was huge because the Nile river is so close to the border. The area near the river was dry and humid, but there was rich soil. This helped for farming.
  • Period: 1400 to

    Islam Spreads Rapidly across Chad

    In the 1400’s to about the 1600’s the Islamic religion swarmed across the country of Chad. It is hard to find out when Islam reached Chad, but the Islamic faith was spread across Chad by the time Arab migrants began arriving from the east in the fourteenth century. Islams in Chad were gradual, but it did cross the federal frontiers. Even if young Muslims are aware of happenings in other parts of the Islamic world, they have not responded to fundamentalist appeals.
  • The Rosetta Stone is Found

    The Rosetta Stone is Found
    The Rosetta Stone is a stone that has Egyptian and greek writing inscribed on it. This stone was found in 1799 and had three versions of a decree issued at Memphis, Egypt in 196 BC during the Ptolemaic dynasty. This stone was the key to deciphering the egyptian hieroglyphs. This stone was carved in the hellenistic period and used to be placed on display in a temple. It was later moved and used as a building material in Fort Julien. This is when a French soldier Pierre-François Bouchard.
  • Period: to

    Sudan is Taken Over by British Colonial Forces

    In around 1882 CE, the British came over from the continent of Europe and invaded Sudan. They colonized it and enforced their police systems, as well as starting to become apart of the slave trade for their colonies in America. In 1953, Sudan signed a treaty giving them self-governing rights. This brought an entirely new race of people into Africa, the Europeans.
  • Period: to

    South Sudan part of Anglo-Egyptian Sudan, under British-Egyptian rule.

    Britain regained control of southern Egypt and Sudan. Britain decided to occupy Sudan in order to gain authority over other European powers by taking over the Nile River. After Egyptian and British forces regained control over Sudan, they joined together to have authority and rule over Sudan. Bordering became a big challenge for the Egyptian and British forces, also known as the Condominium. They made treaties with Ethiopia and Belgian Congo to the south and east.
  • South Sudan has a Civil War

    South Sudan has a Civil War
    The civil war was led by the southern separatist Anya Nya. It is estimated that 400,000 people died in this civil war and it was between the government and opposing forces. Ugandan Troops were deployed to fight against South Sudan’s government. Due to this war people are left starving and inflation is at 300%. 2.5 million people moved to neighboring countries such as Uganda and Sudan. More than 4 million people were displaced, with about 1.8 million of those internally displaced.