Michael phelps by jeffrey zuehlke 192x225

Michael Phelps: Carreer Highlights

  • Birth

    Michael Phelps was born in Baltimore, MD on June 30, 1985
  • Training Begins

    Training Begins
    Michael Phelps begins training at the North Baltimore Aquatic Club at the age of 10
  • Career Starts

    Career Starts
    Michael Phelps begins his Olympic Career at the age of 15 in the Sydney Olympics
  • Athens Olympics

    Athens Olympics
    Michael Phelps wins 6 gold medals and 2 bronze medals
  • Beijing Olympics

    Beijing Olympics
    Michael Phelps wins 8 gold medals
  • London Olympics

    London Olympics
    Michael Phelps wins 4 gold medals and 2 silver medals
  • Birth of Son

    Birth of Son
    Michael Phelps' son Boomer Robert Phelps is born
  • Marriage

    Michael Phelps gets married to Nicole Johnson
  • Rio Olympics

    Rio Olympics
    Michael Phelps wins 5 gold medals and 1 silver medal
  • Retirement

    Michael Phelps announces his retirement as the most decorated swimmer of all time.