mexican revolution

By maxggy
  • begin

    Beginning of the Revolution in charge of Francisco I. Madero to end the dictatorship of Porfirio Díaz.
  • madero president

    madero president
    Díaz dejó la presidencia y Madero fue nombrado presidente constitucional.
  • plan of ayala

    The Plan of Ayala was signed on November 28, 1911, and was a political proclamation promulgated by the Mexican revolutionary leader Emiliano Zapata, within the Mexican Revolution, in which he ignored the government of President Francisco Madero, whom he accused of betraying the peasant causes.
  • victoriano huerta begin Ten Tragic

    victoriano huerta begin Ten Tragic
    Victoriano Huerta betrayed Madero and initiated the "Ten Tragic" (fight that lasted 10 days in which Madero was forced to leave office and is killed).
  • huerta lost by carranza

    huerta lost by carranza
    Huerta, "The Usurper" of the Presidency was defeated by the Constitutionalist Army of Venustiano Carranza.
  • . Battle of La Laguna

    After taking Chihuahua, Villa returns to retake La Laguna, which this time is well protected and defended. There are 20 days of constant struggle, since March 20 that revolutionaries come down from Bermejillo, Mapimí, Tlahualilo, Lerdo and Gómez Palacio.
  • monument venustiano carranza

    The old lighthouse of the Port of Veracruz currently houses sculptures of characters of the Mexican Revolution, as well as personal objects and documents belonging to Venustiano Carranza, who established his provisional government there, in 1914.
  • new constitution

    A new Constitution was created promoted by Carranza, who became President in December of that year.
  • emiliano zapata dead

    emiliano zapata dead
    Emiliano Zapata, the Caudillo del Sur, who fought for communal land ownership, was killed by Carranza's troops.
  • alvaron president

    alvaron president
    Álvaro Obregón was named president of Mexico
  • francisco lost by elias

    francisco lost by elias
    Francisco Villa, commander of the Northern Division, who fought for equality of classes, was assassinated by orders of Plutarco Elías Calles.
  • elias president

    elias president
    Inició la presidencia de Plutarco Elías Calles.