Isaac Newton

By sekrook
  • Birth

    He was so small he could fit in a quart jar.
  • father's death

    father's death
  • College

    He went to Cambridge University where he became interested in mathematics,optics,physics and astronomy.
  • second college

    second college
    Then he went to Trinity college.
  • Fellow of royal society

    Fellow of royal society
  • Completes his calculations on gravity

    Completes his calculations on gravity
  • laws of motion

    laws of motion
    1686 is when he discovered the three laws.
  • Mint

    Newton was appointed warden of the royal mint.
  • Named master of mint

    Named master of mint
  • presidant of royal society

    presidant of royal society
  • knighted in cambridge

    knighted in cambridge
  • Death

    He died of natural causes.