Jolted by Victor O'Toole

  • Exposition 1

    Exposition 1
    Newton's family for the past two hundred years has all died from lightning. He has been living in dome that his dad built in Snohomish, Washington. It is lightning proof. His family has rules to live by so they don't get struck and can only go outside when it is not lightning season.
  • Period: to

    Jolted by Victor O'Toole

  • Exposition 2

    Exposition 2
    Newton is starting in a new school in Jerry Potts Academy of Higher Learning and Survival. The school is locaded on the edge of Moose Jaw Saskatchewan, Canada. For thier uniform they have to where kilts anda Sgianj Dubh (a krife). In Jerry Potts there is a place called the Highland Courtyard where some class take place.
  • Exposition 3

    Exposition 3
    Newton Goddard Starker is fourteen years old and he is the second to last Starker left in the world. Newton's grandmother, Enid is hundred and two years old and can be really mean. His dad works all the time and his last name is Slights. Violet Quon is a girl who hates Newton and Newton hates her,too. Jacob is Newton's only friend who he just met at his new school. Lastly, there is Newton's mom who loved Newton so much and does everything to make sure he stays alive.
  • Exposition 4 Conflict

    Exposition 4 Conflict
    All of Newton family have been killed by lightning and Newton is next. Newton is afraid of lightning hitting him. If lightening hits him it will pop one thousand brain cells, just like popcorn, and burn him as it leaves his body.
  • Rising Action 2

    Rising Action 2
    Newton has to go to new school with new class and new uniforms. On the first day when Newton is trying to fit in at school, he jumps on a rock and starts singing "A Red Red Rose" when something struck his left kilt buckle. Then, the buckle snaped and his kilt droped.
  • Rising Action 1

    Rising Action 1
    Newton's mom died from lighnting when she was outside taking walk, even though it was lighnting season and she should not be outside. Now Newton and his grandmother are the only two Sarkers left in the world.
  • Rising Action 3

    Rising Action 3
    Newton and Violet start to arguing at each other because Newton thinks she threw rock at him which made his kilt fall. Also, Violet is making fun of him. So they throw food at each other.
  • Rising Action 4

    Rising Action 4
    Newton gets a journal from his grandmother with writing of Andrew Starker. Andrew Starker is the first Starker to be struck by lightning. Newton is reading his to trying and find out why his family keeps dying from lightning.
  • Rising Action 5

    Rising Action 5
    This is the second time Newton and Violet have argued but this time they took it far. Newton and Violet started to fight by boxing and Newton gets knocked out.
  • Rising Action 6

    Rising Action 6
    Newton placed an order for truffles but he got his french mixed up. So instead of truffles he got a truffle fniding PIG. Newton named to pig Josephine. Josephine is really good at finding things that can help him success.
  • Rising Action 7

    Rising Action 7
    Newton's grandmother died at the age of 102 by lightning. Before she got struck, she pushed him out of the lightning( this meant alot to Newton.) Now Newton this last Starker left in the world.
  • Climax

    Newton is going the take his mom's advice and try harder in school. Also, he is going pay for attention to the sky because of his grandmother's death.
  • Falling Action 1

    Falling Action 1
    Newton is starting to like his new school. Even when his dad asked him if he wanted to go home he sad no, that he wanted to stay.
  • Falling action 2

    Falling action 2
    After Newton got hurt, Violet felt sorry for him. Now Violet is trying to be nice to Newton by having a "truce". Also, she wanted him to be her partner, so they could study together. But Newton still said no.
  • Falling Action 3

    Falling Action 3
    Newton and Jacod are starting to be really good friends. Newton told him about his curse and also about Josephine. Jacod is helping Newton with his school work.
  • Falling Action 4

    Falling Action 4
    Josephine, Newton's pig is helping him with his problems. She is giving him hints about what is the right choice to make.
  • Falling Action 4

    Falling Action 4
    Newton is starting and twenty-four hour quest in the wild to show his skills of what he learned. If he is the first person to find the Talisman he could get in to the Hall-of-Heroes.
  • Resolution 1

    Resolution 1
    Newton got struck by lightning and saw his mom when he was being struck. Newton learn to just let the lighnting pass through you. Also, he is not affraid of being the next to die from lightning because of what he learned and that his mom will always be there for him.
  • Resolutoin 2

    Resolutoin 2
    Newton finally excepted to be friends with Violet. He helped her when she fell and broke her ankle. He is careful not to be really close to her so she doesn't get struck by lightening.
  • Resolution 3

    Resolution 3
    Newton finally made himself known at his school. When he left to go home to recover from being struck by lightening everyone was there to say goodbye. So when he comes back to school he will not the kid who everyone remembers as the kid that got beat up by a girl.