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egyptian timeline austin bannish

  • Period: 7000 BCE to 7000 BCE

    The Settlement of Nile Valley begins.

    Ancient Egyptians start to settle near the Nile River. They find out that it gives them life or death
  • 4000 BCE

    Nile River Valley

    Nile River Valley
    Photo of the Nile River Valley.
  • 3100 BCE

    Late Predynastic

    Late Predynastic
    Photo of hieroglyphics
  • Period: 3100 BCE to 2500 BCE

    hieroglyphics are developed.

    Hieroglyphics is developed in the North and South of Egypt. which will carey on for centuries.
  • 2630 BCE

    first egyptian pyramid built.

    the first egyptian pyramid was built in 2630 BC. This pyramid would be recalled as a very famous pyramid.
  • 2575 BCE

    old kingdom

    old kingdom
  • Period: 2575 BCE to 2150 BCE

    Old Kingdom

    Great Pyramids and the Sphinx at Giza built. They started to worship the Sun God aka Ra.
  • Period: 2150 BCE to 1975 BCE

    The First Intermediate Period

    The Book of Dead created rebellions that were against the Pharaoh.
  • 1975 BCE

    middle kingdom

    middle kingdom
  • Period: 1975 BCE to 1640 BCE

    Middle kingdom

    North and South Egypt united and they conquered lower Nubia.
  • 1640 BCE

    second intermediate period

    second intermediate period
  • Period: 1640 BCE to 1520 BCE

    Second Intermediate Period

    Hyksos took over Northern Egypt and the first horse drawn chariot was introduced.
  • Period: 1520 BCE to 1075 BCE

    New Kingdom

    Hyksos tribe expelled from
    Egypt forever. Hatshepsut was first Egyptian Pharaoh.
  • Period: 1075 BCE to 715 BCE

    Third intermediate period

    Egypt divided again into 2 different capitals Northern and Southern egypt. The capitals are reunited again.
  • Period: 715 BCE to 332 BCE

    late period

    egypt conquered by persians and was invaded by libyans and assyrians. and their capital was reunited.
  • 715

    Late Period

    Late Period
  • 1075

    Third Intermediate period.

    Third Intermediate period.
  • 1520

    New Kingdom

    New Kingdom
  • the first intermediate period

    the first intermediate period