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Quarter 2= Hailey H

  • 2000 BCE

    Ch. 8.1 Ancient Greece, The beginning of the Minoans

    Ch. 8.1 Ancient  Greece, The beginning of the Minoans
    The Minoans were great people who made amazing ships. They weren’t greek
  • 2000 BCE

    Ch. 8.3 Ancient Greece, Mythology

    Ch. 8.3 Ancient Greece, Mythology
    Mythology was about how the world was created and other happens becausee of what the gods did.
  • Period: 2000 BCE to 500 BCE

    Ancient Greece Ch.8

    Greece was made up of islands and they had very good people that influence d the world
  • 1600 BCE

    Ch. 6.1 Ancient China, The development of Farming

    Ch. 6.1 Ancient China, The development of Farming
    China is so big it could be the same size as the US. It is right next to India and is in Asia.
  • Period: 1600 BCE to 1 CE

    Ancient China Ch. 6

    This is chapter is about Ancient china and how they lived and survied
  • 1100 BCE

    Ch. 6.2 Ancient China, The Begging of the Zhou Dynasty

    Ch. 6.2 Ancient China, The Begging of the Zhou Dynasty
    The Zhou Dynasty was the first Dynasty in China. It stared in 1100 BC.
  • Period: 753 BCE to 27 BCE

    Roman Republic Ch. 10

    The Roman Empire is about when the Romans made a empire
  • 735 BCE

    Ch. 10.1 Roman Republic, Romeuls and Remuels

    Ch. 10.1 Roman Republic, Romeuls and Remuels
    Legend: Romulus and Reus were brothers who were sent down a river and saved by a she-wolf and later were raised by a Shepard that found them. When they were older they fought over who would control the city that they were making and Romelus won and killed Remus.
  • 600 BCE

    Ch. 9.2 Ancient Greece, Sparta Begins

    Ch. 9.2 Ancient Greece, Sparta Begins
    Sparta was a country close to Athens that studeie the body and let woman and men be trained for battle. There were many slaves in Sparta
  • 585 BCE

    Ch. 9.1 Ancient Persia, The rise of Cyrus The Great

    Ch. 9.1 Ancient Persia, The rise of Cyrus The Great
    Cyrus the Great ruled over Asia Minor, Babylon, Jerusalem and Persia. He was a great ruler who didn't want rebellion and let everyone follow their own culture.
  • Period: 550 BCE to 30 BCE

    The Greek World Ch. 9

    This Chapter is about who was the rulers of the Greeks, who fought them and their advancements
  • 500 BCE

    Ch. 8.2 Ancient Greece, Democracy Begins

    Ch. 8.2 Ancient Greece, Democracy Begins
    Democracy is about when people from the government come to represent a country and tells their vote.
  • 400 BCE

    Ch. 10.2 Roman Republic, Magistrates Begins

    Ch. 10.2 Roman Republic, Magistrates Begins
    Magistrates were people who were elected officials. They served for one year and were elcted.
  • 336 BCE

    Ch. 9.3 Ancient Greece, Alexander the Great Reins

    Ch. 9.3 Ancient Greece, Alexander the Great Reins
    Alexander the Great was the prime of Macedonia. He’s father died at his sisters wedding and Alexander took over his army and conjured a lot of land
  • 300 BCE

    Ch. 9.4 Ancient Greece, Father of Philosophy Begins

    Ch. 9.4 Ancient Greece, Father of Philosophy Begins
    Socrates was the “Father” of Philosophy. He would give people questions to question their motives. He would also give people questions about the gods.
  • 218 BCE

    Ch. 10.3 Roman Republic, Hannibal Rein

    Ch. 10.3 Roman Republic, Hannibal Rein
    Hannibal was a general in Cartrigage that was swore when he was little to take over rome and was very close to but retreated byt he didnt get reinforcments. He was known for doing the impossible and brought elephants form afica to rome
  • 210 BCE

    Ch. 6.3 Ancient China, The Terricota Soliders

    Ch. 6.3 Ancient China, The Terricota Soliders
    The terricota solider was made by emperor Shi Huangdi. Every clay figure was the sculpture of one single man in the Army. They were made to protect the king in the Spirit World because he was afraid that bad spirits would attack him. They are more than 6,000 clay sculptures.
  • 206 BCE

    Ch. 6.5 Ancient China, The Beginning of Silk

    Ch. 6.5 Ancient China, The Beginning of Silk
    Silk was a very important part of Chinese culture. They even made making silk a secret so that could get more money. If you told anyone both of you would die. They sent silk to places like Rome or Central Asia. It would usual travel about 4,000 miles.
  • 205 BCE

    Ch. 6.4 Ancient China, The rules of Family Life

    Ch. 6.4 Ancient China, The rules of Family Life
    Family life in the Han Dynasty was prettty serious.If you disobed your father they could kill you because it's illegal. In the family's the fathers were in charge and the son got everything when the father died. The daughters got nothing because if they got married they wouldn't be part of that family.
  • Period: 50 BCE to 1453

    Roman Empire and Christianity Ch. 11

    Romans and Christianity stareted around 50BC by jesus of natsreth
  • 44 BCE

    Ch. 11.1 Ancient Rome, Julius Cesar's Death

    Ch. 11.1 Ancient Rome, Julius Cesar's Death
    Julius Caesar was a great man and a great emperor and many people loved him, except his senators who were jealous. So they stabbed him with fear that he wouldn't be their king. They retreated and were hunted down by Caesar's adopted son, Marc Antony and Octavian raced after the muders and killed them. The ones who escpaed killed themselves
  • 1 CE

    Ch. 11.1 Ancient Rome, Jesus of Nazareth

    Ch. 11.1 Ancient Rome, Jesus of Nazareth
    Jesus was born in 0 BC. He told the nation of Jerusalem about loving your neighbor and also about did many amazing miracles. He died in 33 AD by crucifiction but his followers spread his gospel and its still aroind today
  • 410

    Ch. 11.1 Ancient Rome, The End of Rome

    Ch. 11.1 Ancient Rome, The End of Rome
    The Romans had Goths next to their land where they lived in peace.Until the Huns came from Central Asia and stared raiding them. The goths stared to fight but the Huns were unbeatable so the goths retreated into Roman territory and the Roman kicked them out so they paid them not to come in. Then they stopped paying and the Goths attached and sacked the city
  • Period: 550 to

    The Islamic World Ch. 12

    This chapter is about how Islam started and how it affects people today
  • 613

    Ch. 12.1 Ancient Arabia, The Beginning of Muhhamads teachings

    Ch. 12.1 Ancient Arabia, The Beginning of Muhhamads teachings
    Muhhamad was in charge of a caravan that went throw different parents of Arabia. What upset him most was that people wouldn’t give to the poor so he went in a cave to meditate and saw an angle that told him to recite . Muhammad thought that there was only one god.
  • 711

    Ch. 12.2 Ancient Arabia, Invashion

    Ch. 12.2 Ancient Arabia, Invashion
    The Arab’s and the Berbers invaded Spain and and conqured it
  • 749

    Ch. 12.3 Ancient Arabia, The Abbasids Rule

    Ch. 12.3 Ancient Arabia, The Abbasids Rule
    The Abbasids came to rule Islam in 749
  • 1320

    Ch. 12.4 Ancient Arabia, Ibn Battah goes around the world

    Ch. 12.4 Ancient Arabia, Ibn Battah goes around the world
    Ibn Battah goes around the world to Africa, India, China, and Spain
  • Ch. 6 M.E China Today

    Ch. 6 M.E China Today
    Now days it would take you at least 6 hours from Penang to China. Back then it would probley take more then a few days to get past the deserts or the mountains or the sea.
  • Ch. 8 M.E Greece Today

    Ch. 8 M.E Greece Today
    The Greek still leave a huge impact on us
  • Ch. 9 M.E The Greece World

    Ch. 9 M.E The Greece World
    The Greek world still helps us today with our way of thinking
  • Ch. 10 M.E, Rome Republic Today

    Ch. 10 M.E, Rome Republic Today
    Rome is known as an amazing tourism place and people all over the world would love to go her because of its history
  • Ch. 11 M.E Roman Empire Today

    Ch. 11 M.E Roman Empire Today
    The Roman Empire left great works of art to tell us about their world and what they lived like
  • Ch. 12 M.E Arabia today

    Ch. 12 M.E Arabia today
    Arabia is still in the desert. It’s a wonderful and magical place to be, I know