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AP World History

  • 9000 BCE


    Farming in the Fertile Crescent lead to the rise of civilization. People had extra time to participate in some activities and crafts. Such as people would start cultivating barley and wheat. Mixed together with water made beer.
  • 5400 BCE

    Wines History

    Wines History
    The earliest jar of wine was dated to be around 5400 BCE. The origin of wine was referred to Noah in biblical stories when he planted the first grape vine.
  • 2737 BCE

    Emperor Shen Nung Rules China

    Emperor Shen Nung Rules China
    Emperor Shen Nung is China's second most legendary emperors. He was accredited with inventing the plow and other agricultural tools, discovering herbs used in medicine, as well as being the first man to brew a cup of tea.
  • 2500 BCE


    In 2500 BCE Egyptians constructed Pyramids for graves. The third Giza pyramid was built for King Menkaure. They had to carry 2.5 ton pound stones to build up the Pyramids. The Egyptians that help build the Pyramids were usually payed with bread and beer.
  • 2350 BCE


    Even ancient Egypt had weddings. Documents that were found in the region of Sargon, a series of kings refereed beer as a "bride price" (a gift from the grooms family to the brides family).
  • 2100 BCE

    Medicine in Egypt

    Medicine in Egypt
    Historians that studied ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia found documents of their medical history. These were the oldest medical documents to be found yet. Many of the documents had relationships to beer in it because of its alcohol percentage.
  • 2035 BCE

    Egyptian Payment

    Egyptian Payment
    In Ancient Egypt, if you worked at a temple you would get paid with money called sila. Women would get paid two sila and children would get paid one sila. Silas were typically uses to buy beer, bread, and tax (proved in Egyptian records and documents).
  • 825 BCE


    In 825 BCE a statue of Shalmaneser III shows himself holding a bowl of wine in his right hand and his left hand rests on the hilt of his sword. People then thought drinking showed power, prosperity, and privilege.
  • 785 BCE


    Around 785 BCE, rations for wine were being provided. Ten men were allowed one "qa" (about one liter) of wine for the day. So each man would have about one modern glass of wine per day.
  • 1 CE

    Rise of Rome

    Rise of Rome
    Between 300 BCE and 0 CE, Romes population grew from one hundred thousand to one million. Farmers sold their farms and moved to the city. People loved wine drinking and tasting. Romans stopped drinking beer and developed a love for wine.
  • 170

    Medicine in Greese

    Medicine in Greese
    In 130 AD a man named Claudius Galen was born. His younger years he studied Medicine and later traveled to Egypt and studied there. Around 160-170 AD, he used wine to disinfect warriors wounds. He found out the better the wine the better it worked.
  • 600

    Tea Creates Paper Money

    Tea Creates Paper Money
    The trading of tea had become a major staple of Chinese economy. In fact the trade of tea was so successful that it required the creation of a new form of currency: paper money.
  • 1511

    Coffee is Ban in Mecca

    Coffee is Ban in Mecca
    Coffee was banned by religious leaders because they weren't sure if it should be considered the same as alcohol which Muslims considered wrong to consume. This was the first known attempt to ban coffee.
  • Enlightenment Era

    Enlightenment Era
    The enlightenment era was largely aided by the prominence of coffee.Voltaire for example worked with Isaac Newton and John Locke in coffeehouses.
  • Christopher Wren

    Christopher Wren
    Christopher Wren is known to have had a hand in creating the Royal Society Since he was a scientist he helped in founding the Royal Society, a scientific institution. Meetings would be held in coffeehouses As a result, more old ideas were challenged and many more discoveries were made in coffeehouses.
  • King Charles II suppresses the coffee houses

    King Charles II suppresses the coffee houses
    King Charles II issued a "Proclamation for the Suppression of Coffee-houses". This was short lived and ignored so he issued another proclamation that said they could stay open under certain conditions.
  • Rum Takes Over

    Rum Takes Over
    At this time Rum has become more popular than Brandy. Rum has also been called "chief barter". This is because Rum had a self-fueling feeling.
  • The Molasses Act

    The Molasses Act
    The Molasses Act stopped the importation of spirits into North America. The objective of this Act was to get New England distillers to buy molasses from the British.
  • Rum to Slaves

    Rum to Slaves
    Newport made rum extra strong just for slave currency. The increased alcohol concentration made rum more wealthy.
  • The Boston Tea Party

    The Boston Tea Party
    In response to the ridiculous Tea act of 1773 the kind protesters of New England sought to boycott British goods and started the Boston tea party all along the harbor coast. The British responded by pouring tons of tea into the ocean.
  • British Taxes

    British Taxes
    1733, Molasses act, 1764, sugar act, 1765, stamp act, 1773, tea act. The American colonists resented these acts saying, "No taxation without representation", these ultimately spurred on the revolutionary war.
  • After Paul Revere's Ride

    After Paul Revere's Ride
    During the Revolutionary War in 1775, a man named Paul Revere rode on a horse from Boston to Lexington to tell John Hancock and Samuel Adams about the British troops. After he stopped to have a spirited called Rum Toddy.
  • The British and Tea Monopoly

    The British and Tea Monopoly
    The British wanted to be the sole importers of tea in East India, however the Dutch were in the way, war broke out ending in 1784, the Dutch were defeated and ceased to exist by 1795. This allowed Britain a strangle-hold upon the tea trade, free to do whatever they wanted with the monopoly.
  • The French Revolution

    The French Revolution
    The French Revolution was started by a lawyer named Camille Demolitions in a coffee house, he and many more rallied in one massive crowd outside the Royal Palace.
  • The British Wins at Battle of Trafalgar

    The British Wins at Battle of Trafalgar
    The British army beats the French and Spanish navy, as well as scurvy with their government rationed beverage, grog, a rum with sugar and lime which contains vitamin C.
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The stock market crash of 1929 caused the country to go into a steep downward spiral into what is known as the Great Depression. During this time as well alcohol became legal again since its prohibition in 1920. (Coca-Cola also had to take on a new rival, the Pepsi Cola brand)
  • Coca-Cola in WW ll

    Coca-Cola in WW ll
    When Japan bombed Pearl Harbor it brought America into WW ll.
    Over sixteen million troops into battle. Robert Woodruff (President of the Coca-Cola Company) created a special deal that ever man in a uniform gets Coca-Cola for 5¢.
  • Allied Victory in WW2

    Allied Victory in WW2
    The Allies take a victory in WW2, by this time there were Coca-Cola factories all over, most places where troops wee stationed. These factories would remain and make Coca-Cola popularly known on every settled continent.
  • The Berlin Wall Falls

    The Berlin Wall Falls
    In 1989 the Berlin wall fell. East Germany checked out the other side of the wall. They were greeted with bottles of Coca-Cola and flowers and any other snakes they could offer.
  • Coca-Cola Rivals

    Coca-Cola Rivals
    Bush sends us into another war, the Iraq War in response to the terror against the United States, this effectively became know as the attack on terror. This also affected Coca-Cola sales in the rivaled country.