Diffusion of Music

By jesswt
  • Period: 1500 to

    The Slave Trade

    Slave Trade allowed for the diffusion of African culture and musical styles in Amrican popular music, resulting in jazz, blues, gospel, etc.
  • Period: to

    Age of Imperialism

    The European imperialist movement resulted in the diffusion of popular European music to colonised nations.
  • Invention of the Phonograph

    Invention of the Phonograph
    The first instance of recording sound. Allowed people to record music and voices for the very first time
  • First Commercial Radio Broadcast

    First Commercial Radio Broadcast
    Radio was able to broadcast music to a wider audience. It changed the way audiences listened to music. The types of music that was played also shifted, and listeners were being exposied to new genres.
  • First Commercial Jet Flight

    First Commercial Jet Flight
    Musicians could now travel more easily overseas, reaching a broader audience.
  • First Compact Cassette Produced

    First Compact Cassette Produced
    A new way of recording audio, casette tapes made it easier for audience to listen to music.
  • First Compact Disc Produced

    First Compact Disc Produced
    CD's revolutionised the recording of sound. Resulted in the near obsoletion of records.
  • World Wide Web Goes Public

    World Wide Web Goes Public
    The ability to access music became much easier. People in different countries were now able to access a variety of global music.
  • First MP3 player Released

    First MP3 player Released
    New storage for music and audio. MP3's changed the way people accessed their music.
  • First iPod Released

    First iPod Released
    Apple revolutionised the way we listened to music. The iPod provided a new high-tech method of storing songs.
  • First YouTube Video Released

    First YouTube Video Released
    YouTube revolutionised the way people saw music. They could now listen to songs anytime, anywhere connected to the internet. All for free.
  • First iPhone Released

    First iPhone Released
    World's first look at smartphones. the iPhone made accessing the internet and listening to differing types of music so much more accessible. A world of songs virtually at your fingertips.