Causes of the civil war time line

By AJa1367
  • Missouri compromise

    Missouri compromise
    To keep the Senate equal Missouri became a slave state in Maine became a free state 36-30 was the new line to decide the fate of the states
  • Period: to

    Causes of the civil war notes

  • John Brown's raid of Harpers Ferry

    John Brown's raid of Harpers Ferry
    John Brown played a crucial part in the anti-slavery campaign with five African Americans he planned to raid a gun warehouse but got caught and arrested and killed
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    Stephen Douglas brought new states to Kansas and Nebraska to become gray or blue States due to this brought new land to North America
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin
    In 1852 Harriet Beeker talked on how slavery was wrong and Injustice of the fugitive slaves. Uncle Tom got killed for not cooperating with people to say where runaway slaves are
  • Election of 1860

    Election of 1860
    Abraham Lincoln won the election with Northern votes people from the South were scared because he opposed slavery but held back until the Civil War was almost over and then he abolished slavery
  • South Carolina secedes

    South Carolina secedes
    South Carolina was the first US state to accomplish from the United States in 1860
  • Dred Scott case

    Dred Scott case
    Dred Scott led a court case to try and be free and bring Harmony because he thought the slaves should be free
  • compromise of 1850

    compromise of 1850
    Henry Clay spoke out on slave trades and border control which helped get closer to ending slavery and expanding the Border Lines
  • Fugitive slave act

    Fugitive slave act
    People of cities were required to catch escaped African-American slaves and people who let them Escape. to people whom let them free would be fine to $1,000 and put in jail