Ancientgreekdialects (woodard) en.svg

Ancient Greece

By yonhee
  • 776 BCE

    Olympic Game

    Olympic Game
    The very first Olympic Game was created in Ancient Greece to honour the strongest god, Zeus. The first Olympic Games included sports like wrestling, charlot racing and javelin throwing.
  • 750 BCE

    Greek Alphabets

    Greek Alphabets
    Greek Alphabets were created and soon spread across the world. Greek Alphabet became the part of the english alphabets.
  • 650 BCE


    Kypselos and his son, Periander were called as the tyrants of 600BC in Ancient Greece. They managed to become a tyrant by attacking the city-state, Corinth and making themselves a king.
  • 508 BCE


    Ancient Egypt began democracy in Athens. This worked in a ways of letting the citizens rule the country. Male citizens were able to vote to rule the country. Democracy is still happening these days.
  • 500 BCE

    Classical Period

    Classical Period
    The Classical Period began in Ancient Greece. The country started to find the interest in art, building sculptures and etc. This happened mainly in the city state, Athen
  • 490 BCE

    Battle of Marathon

    Battle of Marathon
    Persian invades attacked the Ancient Egypt. However, Ancient Egypt managed to defeat the Persian invades at the battle of Marathon.
  • 472 BCE


    Entertainment started to increase in Ancient Greece as theatres opened in the city-state, Athens. Entertainment included shows like magic, play or juggling. The entertainers often wore masked to show the character's emotions.
  • 450 BCE


    After the great help from the citizens, Athens became the strongest and the most powerful city in Ancient Egypt. Athen grew so powerful that they started to control the empires.
  • 432 BCE


    After Athens became the city-state of Ancient Egypt, they built Parthenon, which is a temple of Ancient Greek goddess, Athena. They did this in a belief that Athena will protect Athens.
  • 431 BCE

    Peloponnesian War

    Peloponnesian War
    Peloponnesian War was the largest and the most deadliest war occurred in the Ancient Greece. This war ended the golden age of Ancient Greece. The Greek empire, Sparta and had a huge conflict between the strong city, Athens. However, the empire managed to receive surrender from Athens after destroying Athens' navy. The empire could do this by getting support from the Persians.
  • 356 BCE

    Alenxander The Great

    Alenxander The Great
    Alenxander lll of of macedon was born. He was called as Alenxander The Great.
  • 146 BCE


    Roman attacked Greece and Greece surrendered to them as Roman was stronger than Greece. Soon after the surrendered, Greece became the part of the Roman empire.