
  • 30,000 BCE

    first traces of life from artifacts in afghanistan

    old civilizations which date back to almost 50.000 years.
  • independance

    Britain was losing money and decided to retreat from a few of its colonies one of being Afghanistan.
  • monoarchy

    Amanullah declares Afghanistan a monarchy, rather than an emirate, and proclaims himself king. He launches a series of modernization plans and attempts to limit the power of the Loya Jirga.
  • Russia and Afghanistan

    Ussr president Nikita Khrushchev agrees to help Afghanistan.
    they become good allies
  • overthrowing of the last democrat in afghanistan

    Khan overthrows the last king, Mohammed Zahir Shah, in a military coup. Khan’s regime, the People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan, comes to power. Khan abolishes the monarchy and names himself president. The Republic of Afghanistan is established with firm ties to the USSR.