kite runner/ Afghanistan

By kyle93
  • Period: to

    Afghan History

  • Independence Day

    A war was brewing between India and Afghanistan. Then, British relinqueshed control over Afghanistan.
  • accension

    The Soviet Union and Afghanistan had a new realtionship. They called this time the closed borders era.
  • new ruler

    Mohammed Doud became president. This is after he took care of his cousin.
  • dictator overthrown

    Moscow aided the Afghans in getting rid of their dictator. The Secretary General became president.
  • Moscow Treaty

    Moscow made a alliance with Afghanistan. This made the Soviet Union help with stabilizing the government.
  • Fuel

    Soviet Union trades new natural gas to Afghanistan. Which added to more commerce.
  • new leader

    Hafizullah Amin siezed power of Afghanistan. He was a Prime Minister of Defense.
  • Economic Colapse

    The Tailban destroyed the Afghan economy. This made the economy colapse.
  • Invasion

    The Taliban invaded Afghanistan. Which is a refference to the book.
  • Factions

    Afghanistan is now broken up to factions. Most cities were occupied with more than one group of people.
  • Taliban

    The Taliban took over Kabul. This was also stated in the book.
  • Taliban

    The Taliban used the Afghan Constitution to establish religious freedom. They also have established basic rights that didn't follow the Constitution.
  • Election

    Hamid Karzai was sworn in as president. This being the first from the new style of democratic government.
  • assassination attempt

    Karzi survived being assassinated. Appaerently this has been going on for a long time.