
  • Recession ends, congress approves Nafta treaty

  • CIA organizes contra war Nicaragua's Sandinista government

    The U.S. backed and supported right wing rebels
  • U.s invasio of Grenada

  • Terrorist attack in Beirut

    239 Marines die in Beirut terrorist attack
  • Reagan defeats Mondale by Landslide, Congress bars military aid to contra

  • William Rehnquist becomes chief justice of supreme court, Antonin Scalia joins supreme court

  • George Bush elected president

  • Oliver North convicted of Iran-Contra role, U.S. invades Panama, Berlin wall is opened

  • Recession Begins, Soviet withdraws troops from Eastern Europe

  • Gulf war, U.S and USSR sign treaty reducing nuclear arms

  • Roe vs. wade, Bill Clinton elected president

  • World trade center bombed

  • Bill Clinton impeached by house of representatives

  • George w. Bush elected president

  • 911

    Terrorist attack on the world trade center