years of crisis

By j.trate
  • Treaty of Versailles signed

  • league of nations

    league of nations
    the worlds first international security organization goes into operation. the united states does not join and Germany and soviet Russia are not admitted.
  • Depression

    The american stock market crash starts a world wide depression, which is at its worst in most of Europe from the summer of 1931 through the end of 1932 and in some places even longer.
  • Third Reich

    Third Reich
    Hitler becomes chancellor of Germany. He and his Nazi party are in full command in a matter of months.
  • Russia joins the legue

    Russia joins the legue
    Soviet Russia finally joins the league of nations out of concern about the threat from Nazi Germany.
  • German rearmament

    German rearmament
    The third Reich repudiates the disarmament clauses of the treat of Versailles and begins to rearm openly.
  • Spanish civil war

    Spanish civil war
    A civil war breaks out in Spain lasting until 1936. Germany and Italy support the insurgent national side(France) and send arms and "volunteers."
  • Formation of the axis

  • Anschluss march

  • Munich agreemet

  • Occupation of Prague march

  • German invasion of poland