
  • He was born in Atlanta in 1929.

    He  was  born  in  Atlanta in  1929.
  • He was 15 years old when he finish high school.

    He was 15 years old when he  finish  high school.
  • 1948 Martin became minister.

    1948 Martin  became   minister.
  • 1964 he won the Nobel Peace Prize.

    1964   he  won  the Nobel Peace Prize.
  • 1964 the Civil Right ACT became a law .

    1964  the   Civil    Right  ACT  became a  law  .
  • Martin passed away in 1964.

    Martin  passed  away  in 1964.
  • He told peopie not to fight.

    He  told  peopie  not  to  fight.
  • Martin Luther King jr was a great Civil Right Leader.

    Martin  Luther  King  jr  was  a great  Civil  Right Leader.
  • In1963 he gave a famous speech '' I have a dream.''

    In1963   he gave a   famous  speech '' I   have  a  dream.''
  • In1963 he gave a speech his famous ''I have a dream''.

    In1963  he  gave  a  speech   his  famous  ''I have  a  dream''.