Iwo jima

WWII TImeline

  • Hindenburg is elected president

    Hindenburg is elected president
    Hindenburgin 1925 he was elected the president of the Weimar republic. Throughout his terms he was wracked with political instability, economic depression, and the rise to power of Adolf Hitler, whom he appointed chancellor.
  • Japanese takeover of Manchuria

    as the Japanese invaded Manchuria the league of nations called a meeting. After finding that japan was in the wrong for the takeover of Chinese territory they voted for it to be returned to the Chinese. Japan then walked out of the meeting http://www.johndclare.net/EL5.htm
  • France and Britain begin to practice Appeasement

    Appeasement is giving what someone wants and in the case of France and Britain they turned a blind eye to these breaches of the Treaty of Versailles. Thus, giving Hitler appeasement.
  • Hitler named chancellor

    Hitler named chancellor
    Hitler’s emergence as chancellor on January 30, 1933, marked a crucial turning point for Germany and, ultimately, for the world. He immediately took action after being appointed and started the expansion of the state and nazi party
  • japan leaves the league of nations

    After being held accountable for the events in Manchuria the Japanese walked out of the meeting stating that they were never coming back
  • Dachau established in germany

    The camp was first used for outcasts (homosexuals, gypsies, and Jehovah witness) and repeat offender criminals. It was first used for specifically Jewish people in 1938. They continued to use this camp as training grounds for concentration camp guards
  • Roosevelt is elected POTUS

    he was elected as the 32nd president and led the American nation though the boughs of the great depression
  • Hitler oficially gains power

    Hitler oficially gains power
    Hitler officially assumes the Presidency, after Hindenburg dies- 1934 he assumes the title after death of the president
  • Naiz party is the only political party

    On July 14, 1933, his government declared the Nazi Party to be the only political party in Germany.
  • Germany leaves the league of nations

    Germany was only a part of the league of nations for 7 years before they pulled out only months after Japan did.
  • Forced sterilization

    Hitler became the legal dictator of Germany he set the sterilization law in motion by setting up eugenic courts to determine reported patient’s case.
  • Hitler gains power

    1. Hitler seizes power in Germany- august 1934 Hitler was able to seize power through the persuasion and seats held by the Nazi party.
  • US first nuetrality act

    Congress passed the first Neutrality Act prohibiting the export of “arms, ammunition, and implements of war” from the United States to foreign nations at war and requiring arms manufacturers in the United States to apply for an export license.
  • first Nuremburg laws passed

    the first laws were enacted
  • Italy invades Ethiopia

    Mussolini trying to boost Italy’s national prestige invades Ethiopia
  • Rome-Berlin axis

    created between Italy and Germany. An agreement formulated by Italy’s foreign minister Galeazzo Ciano informally linking the two fascist countries was reached on October 25, 1936.
  • Japan and Germany sign the Anti-Comiterm Pact

    Japan and Germany sign the Anti-Comiterm Pact
    An agreement between Germany and Japan that declared the hostility of the two countries to international communism. It established that neither nation would make any political treaties with the Soviet Union. Germany also agreed to recognize the Japanese puppet regime in Manchuria. Italy joined the Anti-Comintern Pact in 1937 but, Adolf Hitler broke the pact when he signed the Nazi-Soviet Pact in August, 1939.
  • The Japanese invade China

    Japan, wanted the vast natural resources found in China and invaded and occupied Manchuria. It was turned into a nominally independent state called Manchukuo, but the Chinese Emperor who ruled it was under influence of the Japanese
  • The Rape of Nanjing

    The Japanese Imperial Army went into China's capital city of Nanking, where they proceeded to murder 300,000 out of 600,000 civilians and soldiers in the city. It lasted 6 weeks and was one of the worst battles
  • Anschluss

    It was an anti-Semitic political union of Austria with Germany. It was achieved through annexation by Adolf Hitler in 1938.
  • Kristallnacht

    was a night of viciousness against Jews that included destruction of the businesses and other property belonging to them in Germany.
  • Germany annexes the rest of Czechoslovakia

    Germany annexes the rest of Czechoslovakia
    German troops marched into Bohemia and Moravia. The areas offered no resistance, and they were quickly made a region of Germany. By the time night fell Hitler made a successful entry into Prague
  • Poland is invaded by the Germans

    Poland is invaded by the Germans
    Germany invaded Poland. The polish army was defeated in weeks with Germany’s 2,000 tanks and over 1,000 planes they easily broke through the polish border
  • Britain declares war on Finland, Hungary, Romania, and the Nazi Party

    September 3, 1939 Britain declared war on Germany in response to Hilters invasion of Poland
  • Britain declares war of Germany

    the declaration was given after German forces invaded Poland. The speech was them official announcement of both France and the United Kingdom. The declaration/ speech was given by the British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, in London.
  • The Soviets invade Poland, leading to the division of Poland between the USSR and Germany

    The Soviet invasion of Poland was a result of the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact. The pact was signed between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union in august.
  • Holland, Belgium, and Luxembourg invaded by Germany

    British and French Allied forces worked to meet the 136 German divisions breaking into Holland and Belgium on the ground. 2,500 German aircraft continued to bomb airfields in Belgium, Holland, France, and Luxembourg, and about 16,000 German airborne troops parachuted into Rotterdam, Leiden, and The Hague.
  • Winston Churchill becomes British Prime Minister

    Prime Minister Chamberlain and formally lost the confidence of the House of Commons. Churchill was known for his military leadership ability and was appointed British prime minister in his place
  • France signs peace treaties with Germany and Italy

    The Munich agreement permitted German annexation of Sudetenland; signed by Italy, Great Britain, and Germany that tried to settle their issues. June 10, 1940
  • The Battle of Britain

    Turning point of WWII, ended when Germany failed to gain air superiority. Literally known as “Air Battle for England,” when Germany tried to invade Britain end of june 1940
  • Italy declares war on France and Britain

    After Benito Mussolini was withholding formal allegiance to either side in the battle between Germany and the Allies. As the dictator of Italy he declares war on France and Great Britain because of the German occupation of Paris.
  • Germany invades Paris

    By the time German tanks rolled into Paris, 2 million Parisians had fled. German soldiers made quick work on the invasion and Canadians came to aid the Parisians.
  • Italy invades Greece

    October 28, 1940 Italy invaded Greece. It was a total surprise, not even the chief of military staff knew Mussolini’s plans
  • The Germans sign a military agreement with the Japanese

    The Axis powers are formed as Germany, Italy, and Japan become allies with the signing of the Tripartite Pact. The signing took place in Berlin. It provided Mutual assistance to any signatories that would suffer attack by any nation not already involved in the war.
  • Germany invades Greece and Yugoslavia

    Germany invades Greece and Yugoslavia
    April 6, 1941 German air forces launch 24 divisions and 1,200 tanks drive into Greece. Brutal attacks on Yugoslavia resulting in 17,000 civilian deaths, and all of their airfields were bombed, most of 600 aircrafts destroyed while on the ground
  • Germans attack the Soviet Union

    Operation Barbarossa on June 22, 1941 led three million German soldiers and more across the Soviet Union territory,
  • "The Final Solution"

    "The Final Solution"
    Since 1933 anti-jewish propaganda flooded Germany. This plan being for the extermination of Jews during WWII, under rule of Adolf Hitler. July 31, 1941
  • The Atlantic Charter

    Joint declaration released by U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill on August 14, 1941 following a meeting of the two heads of state in Newfoundland
  • Japan bombs Pearl Harbor

    Japan bombs Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor was the American naval base located in Hawaii, attack was in place before any formal declaration of war from the US. December 7, 1941 noted as “a date which will love in infamy”
  • US declares war on Japan

    Post Pearl Harbor, on December 8, 1941, the US waited one day after the U.S. naval was attacked and President Roosevelt addressed congress and asked for a declaration of war. This bombing from Japan put the U.S. into WWII.
  • Germany and Italy declare war on the US

    Germany and Italy declare war on the US
    December 11, 1941 Hitler was convinced the US would soon beat him and wanted to get there first. Hitler argued that the failure of the New Deal was the real cause of the war.
  • Japan captures Bataan

    Bataan Death March was the forcible transfer of about 75,000 Filipino and American troops on a 65-mile march to prison camps from January 7 until April 9, 1942
  • Battle of Coral Sea

    May 4-8 1942 the major naval battle in Pacific of WWII between Imperial Japanese navy and naval and air forces from US and Australia
  • Franklin D Roosevelt elected to third term

    Franklin D Roosevelt elected to third term
    Nov 7, 1944 The only US pres to serve more than two terms. President who enacted social programs like the New Deal, to bring the country out of the Great Depression. Elected for third term at Democratic Party convention in Chicago, but wasn’t met lightly, since the unwritten rule that two was enough. George Washington declined his third term. After Roosevelt’s death in office, 22nd Amendment stated no one can be president more than twice.
  • Dresden Raid

    Dresden Raid
    A fire bombing by the allies from February 13 to 15, 1945. The bombing was meant to destroy German morale
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    A meeting of British prime minister Winston Chruchill and President FDR early in February 1945 as World War 2.
  • Iwo Jima

    Iwo Jima
    Major battle in which the U.S. Marines landed on and eventually captured the island of Iwo Jima from the Japanese Imperial Army during WW2
  • Mussolini Captured and Killed

    Mussolini Captured and Killed
    In the small village of Giulino di Mezzegra, the anti-fascist captured and publicly hung Mussolini.
  • Dachau taken by US soldiers

    Dachau taken by US soldiers
    The Us seventh army's 45th infantry division liberated the camp, it is reported that over 30,000 people were killed.
  • Hitler commits suicide

    Hitler commits suicide
    Hidden in a bunker under attack he took his own life so that he ddidn't become a war prisoner
  • Unconditional surrender of all German forces

    Unconditional surrender of all German forces
  • Berlin surrenders to Soviet Forces

    Berlin surrenders to Soviet Forces
  • V-E Day

    V-E Day
    The day marking the Allied victory in Europe
  • UN Charter Signed

    UN Charter Signed
    signed at the conclusion of the United Nations Conference
  • Potsdam Decleration

    Potsdam Decleration
    Proclamation defining terms for Japanese surrender; is a statement called for the surrender of all Japanese armed forces during WW2
  • Hiroshima

    Town the first atomic bomb was dropped on, Hirshima was almost completly destroyed by the first atomic bomb
  • Nagasaki

    Town the second atomic bomb was dropped on
  • V-J Day

    V-J Day
    The day when Japan formally surrendered
  • Japanese-Americans sent to internment camps

    Fear drove US to place over 127,000 Japanese-Americans in concentration camps during WWII. Two months after bombing of Pearl Harbor, US president Roosevelt signed an executive order 9066 ordering all Japanese-Americans to evacuate the West Coast. Issued approximately 120,000 people relocated. The last camp closed in March 1946.