WWII & the Cold War

  • Japan Invades Manchuria

    The main purpose of this event was to create economic domination. As a result and response, the US imposed trade restrictions such as embargoes. This event was important to US history because it started the Japanese Aggression.
  • Munich Pact

    The Munich Pact was an agreement made between both Britain, France, and Hitler that stated that Hitler could take more land in exchange for him to not seek any more territory. As a result, this s agreement is broken within 6 months and Hitler continued to take more territory. This event was important to US history because it ends the European policy of appeasement.
  • Kristallnacht

    Kristallnacht was also known as the "night of broken glass" during this event Nazis destroyed the homes, schools, and businesses of the Jews. As a result, this event ended up killing nearly 100 Jews. This event was important to US history because this was during the time of the holocaust in which millions of Jews were being tortured and killed.
  • Neutrality Acts of 1939

    The Neutrality Acts of 1939 were also known as "Cash and Carry". These acts would allow for nations at war to buy goods from the US as long as they paid upfront with cash and carried the goods on their ships. This event was important to US history because it kind of helps the US remain neutral for the most part with nations at war but not for long.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    During this invasion, Germany uses a certain war strategy known as blitzkrieg therefore quickly invading France and launching air raids on Britain. As a result, this leads to France and Britain declaring war on Germany. This event was important to US history because it marks the beginning of WWII.
  • Lend-Lease Act

    The Lend-Lease Act allows for the transfer of title to, sale, lease, or otherwise disposes of things such as government defense articles. This is also now a good form of certain insurance policies. This event was important to US history because it helped with the interest of the defense of the US.
  • Atlantic Charter

    The Atlantic Charter was signed by FDR and Winston Churchill at the Atlantic Conference. This charter promotes a system of general international security and self determination.This event was important to US history because it sets up a transition from peacetime to wartime.
  • Attack on Pearl Harbor

    During this attack, Japan planned a surprise sneak attack on Pearl Harbor base. This was Japan's response to the embargoes. This event was important to US history because it led to the US declaring war on Japan and Germany declaring war on the US.
  • Exec Order 8022

    During this time African Americans were segregated including during war-time jobs. This executive order is a response to leader Philip Rudolph who planned a march on Washing for discrimination of access to war-time jobs. This event is important to US history because prohibits ethnic and racial discrimination in the nation's defense industry.
  • Exec Order 9066

    The executive order was signed by FDR after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor as Americans began to show ethnic prejudice causing FDR to take action. This order basically meant that all Japanese and American Japanese had to get rid of their belongings including property and report to deportation camps. This event was important to US history because it authorized the internment of Americans of Japanese descent and resident aliens from Japan.
  • Battle of Midway

    During the Battle of Midway, the US uses a strategy known as island hopping going from one island to another while trying to get close enough to Japan. The goal was to launch an air attack so that the US would be able to invade Japan. As a result, the US won. This event was important to US history because it stopped the advance of Japan.
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch was an invasion of North Africa with the purpose of freeing the Mediterranean sea from German control. Another purpose for Operation Torch was to protect oil fields in the Middle East. This event was important to US history because it turned the tide on the Eastern Front but opened up another front.
  • Korematsu v. United States

    The case between Fred Korematsu and the US was a response to executive order 9066. The reason for this case is that Korematsu did not want to leave his home arguing that the order violated his Constitutional rights. As a result, Korematsu lost the case. This event was important to US history because, in the end, the Supreme Court justified Japanese internment as constitutional.
  • D-Day (invasion of Normandy)

    D-Day was the day of the invasion of Normandy. At this point, Germany was now involved on 3 fronts and had to divert resources. This event was important to US history because it provided a western front.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    The Battle of the Bulge was the last of the German offensive and was met at Berlin. This is also the beginning of the end for the Nazis. This event was important to US history because it led to the post-war division of Berlin and Germany with the tension of the Cold war.
  • Yalta Conference

    The Yalta Conference was held by the "Big Three" FDR, Churchill, and Stalin. During this conference, the final plans for the defeat of Europe are discussed. This event was important to US history because this also started the discussion of post-war European plans.
  • Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaski

    The bombing was a decision made by President Truman reason being to prevent the need for landing on Japan's homeland. This would lead to Japan surrendering automatically. This event was important to US history because it created mistrust between the Soviet Union and the US.
  • United Nations is Created

    The United Nations was created at the end of WWII with the help of the US. The purpose of the United Nations was to help maintain order throughout all nations and promote cooperation. This event was important to US history because the US played a major role in helping create and start the United Nations.
  • Nuremberg Trials

    The Nuremberg Trial was for people charged with war crimes and crimes against humanity. Many people pleaded "just following orders" with one of the most well-known criminals being Hitler who escaped prosecution by committing suicide. As a result of these trials, 12 Nazis were convicted and sentenced to death. This event was important to US history because it held all individuals responsible for their own war-crimes.
  • Truman Doctrine

    President Harry S. Truman established the Truman Doctrine with the purpose of it being able to provide military and financial aid. This doctrine was to help both Turkey and Greece to resist rebel forces. This event was important to US history because it pledged to contain communism.
  • Marshall Plan

    The Marshall Plan was also known as the "Economic Recovery Plan". The main focus of the plan was to rebuild economic and prevent the fall of European countries to communism. This event was important to US history because this is a form of financial aid.
  • Isreal is Established

    Israel was established in the year 1948 with the US fully supporting this establishment. The US also supported the self-determination of the Jewish people and their creation. This event was important to US history because it demonstrated the impact of German war crimes on the conscience of the US and the world.
  • Soviet Union Tests Atomic Bomb

    The Soviet Union had created and was testing the advancement of atomic bombs. Once the US found out about the testing of the bombs they immediately worked to developed the hydrogen bomb. This event was important to US history because it started the nuclear arms race.
  • Berlin Airlift

    The Berlin Airlift was when the US would supply the people of Berlin with food, water, and any other goods by airdropping the supplies. This was also the first test of the US policy by the Soviet Union. This event was important to US history because the Berlin Airlift was how the US won the first confrontation of the Cold War.
  • US Establishes NATO

    NATO stood for the "North Atlantic Territory Organization". This organization would establish an alliance pointed towards the Soviet Union who would then organize the Warsaw Pact. This event was important to US history because it established a military alliance.
  • Korean Conflict (War)

    The Korean conflict began once North Korea invaded South Korea, Due to Truman believing that the Soviet Union was responsible for the invasion the United Nations took action as a request from Truman. As a result, the United Nations used police action against South Korea. This event was important to US history because past negotiations with North Korean forces above the 38th parallel had ended.
  • Soviet Union Launches Sputnik

    The launching of Sputnik is the primary reason for the Space Race to take off. Sputnik was the first earth satellite to be released into space. This event proved the advancement of science and technology in other countries. This event was important to US history because it raised the bar in the arms race and more tension of the Cold War.
  • National Defense Education Acr

    The passing of the National Defense Education Act was a result of the launch of Sputnik. Due to the act and the prosperity of the 1950s, young people were allowed to stay in school longer through high school and more students could attend college. This event was important to US history because it created more educated workforces.
  • Rise of the Berlin Wall (Construction begins...)

    After WWII Germany was then separated into two zones the Allied Zone and the Soviet Zone separating these zones what was known as the Berlin wall. Berlin was not part of Germany but because of the wall, Berlin also became separated. This event was important to US history because it became a symbol of the Cold War.
  • Soviet Invasion of Afganistan

    During the invasion, the US was secretly supporting Afghanistan's resistance movement due to the containment policy. In the end, the Soviets withdrew and the Afganistan rebel groups evolved. This event was important to US history because the invasion was used to set up a communist government.
  • Fall of Berlin Wall

    One event main event that led to the fall of the wall was "the greatest street party in the world" which was a celebration after a spokesman in Berlin announced that citizens were now allowed to cross boarder. People began hammering and picking at chunks of the wall while cranes and other machinery pulled it apart leading to the fall of the wall. This event was important to US history because it was considered the end of the Cold War.