Cold War Timeline

  • Joseph McCarthy

    Joseph McCarthy
    Senator Joseph McCarthy and a congressional committe led the effort to expose Communists in the American film industy and goverment.
  • Another Crisis in Berlin

    Another Crisis in Berlin
    Tens of thousands of East Germans left their country by crossing from East Berlin to West Berlin.
    Some wanted ti live in a free democratic nation
  • The Arms Race Begins

    The Arms Race Begins
    during the 1950's & early 1960's nuclear war for the race of power started.
    Soviet Union & the U.S raced to develop powerful new weapons
  • Hydrogen Bomb

    Hydrogen Bomb
    in the fall of 1952 the United States tested the first fusion powered Hygrogen bomb.
    As with the atomic bomb, the U.S technologoy advantage was short-lived
  • Egypt

    Egyp angered the West by taking over the Suez Canal, which had been controlled primarily by Great Britain and France
  • Sputnik

    The Soviet Union's successful launch os Sputnik.
    Sputnik was historys first artificial satellite, an object that orbits earth.
  • Communism in Cuba

    Communism in Cuba
    Rebels under the leadership of Fiedel Castro overthrew Cuba's dictator.
    And installed a communist government, Castro established a centrally planned economy.
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    Bay of Pigs Invasion
    April 1961 the U.S goverment wanted to over throw Castro.
    They trained approximately 1,500 Cubans who has fled to Castro's regime, the invaders were quickly defeated.
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    Cuban Missile Crisis
    a confortation between the United States and the United States and The Soviet Union over the installation of Soviet Nuclear missiles in cuba.