

  • Holocaust

    The Holocaust took place during world war 2 on January,30 1933 is when it all started and didn't end until May 8, 1945. Over the year, Head of Nazi Germany was a man maned Hitler and all his allies took over a great amount of Europe. Germany's officials took all Jewish property, in many places and required Jews to wear a identifying armband with yellow star on them to so they were easier to be spotted and targeted for death.
  • Holocaust (continued)

    Holocaust (continued)
    Now with Hilter In charge, the Jews were all so scared but handled it as best as they could. Even thought they saw death in their near future. Later then In June 1941, Germany turned on its ally which was the Soviet Union.
  • German blitzkrieg

    German blitzkrieg
    The German blitzkrieg was a military action meaning "lighting war". It was designed to create mass destruction among enemy forces through the use of mobile forces and locally firepower. The German shoulders paraded through Warsaw and Poland in September 1939. Its successful execution results in short military campaigns, which preserves human lives and limits the consumption of ordnance. German forces tried out the blitzkrieg in Poland in 1939 before successfully managing the ploy with invasions
  • The Invasion of Poland

    The Invasion of Poland
    World War II then had an occurrence with the invasion of Poland by Nazi Germany. It all started on September 3,1939 and lasted until October 6,1939. The Polish army was defeated within days of the invasion. From East Prussia and Germany in the north and Silesia and Slovakia in the south. There was no stopping them now, 1.5 million German troops intruded into Poland along the border also having around 2,000 tanks and 1,000 planes prepared for the invasion as well.
  • Auschwitz ( continued ..)

    Auschwitz ( continued ..)
    There wore more than 1 million people that lost their lives at Auschwitz alone. In January of 1945, with the Soviet army approaching, Nazi officials ordered the camp to end it all and sent around 60,000 prisoners on a forced march to another location. When the Soviets entered Auschwitz, they found thousands of piles of dead people left behind.
  • Auschwitz

    Auschwitz was the largest Nazi concentration and death camp. It was also known as Auschwitz-Birkenau, opened in 1940. It is located in southern Poland, Auschwitz originally served as a detention center for political prisoners. However, it matured into a camps where Jewish people and other enemies of the Nazi state were killed off, often in gas chambers, or used as slave labor.
  • The fall of Paris

    The fall of Paris
    The fall of Paris started on May 10, 1940 and lasted until June 25, 1940. Come May 1940, Europe had been at war for nine months now. Germany then enters Paris on June14 and continued forward. Over 10 million refugees abandoned everything they had as in fear the Germans would kill them. They the left Paris and it was then called an open city. The Germans then took Paris as there's and continued on through Paris to capture and take over more ground.
  • USSR in WWII, invasion of the Soviet Union

    USSR in WWII, invasion of the Soviet Union
    Nazi Germany invaded the Soviet Union. This attacks code name was called "Barbarossa". They did this to get deeper into the Soviet Union territory. After six weeks the Soviet Union failed to collapse, the stiffened knocking the Germans off their property and unrealistic timetable.
  • Wannsee conference

    Wannsee conference
    On January 20th 1942 was the Wannsee Conference. One of the most infamous meetings in history was held on the outskirts of Berlin. This was were 15 high-ranking Nazi Party and German government officials meet to discuss the details of the “Final Solution” of the Jews.
    To see a sort of smooth but to bureaucratic a path to the get ride of Jews.’
  • Bataan Death March

    Bataan Death March
    When Lt. General Masahuro Homma took the soldiers prisoner, he discovered that there were many more men than he had anticipated, and he was unable to transport all of them by truck to the prison camp in San Fernando. The only way to get the men to the camp was to make them march 70 miles. Japanese butchery, disease, exposure to the hot sun, lack of food, and lack of water took the lives of approximately 5,200 Americans along the way. Many prisoners were bayoneted, shot, beheaded or just left.
  • The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising

    The Warsaw Ghetto Uprising
    At 3am on the morning of April 19, the Nazis surrounded the ghetto and the battle began. Between 2000 Germans armed with a tank, two armored cars, three light-anti-aircraft guns, one medium howitzer, heavy and light machine guns, flame throwers, rifles, pistols and grenades faced off against 700-750 Jewish resistance fighters. All in all, several thousand Jews had been buried in the debris, and more than 56,000 had been captured. About 30,000 of them were either immediately shot or transported.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    On June 3, 1942 the Japanese started to getting bombed. The whole battle then lasted until June 7, 1942. During the battle they realized the only way to protect Japan was to increase there defense line eastward to a small island thousand miles away from Hawaii named midway became the main target. The Americans had surprised the Japanese. Together and by their side they fought for awhile the Americans suck ships and Japan then retreated and from there they become defensive.
  • Battle of Stalingrad

    Battle of Stalingrad
    In 1942 until February 2, 1943 stalingrad was the successful Soviet defense of the city of Stalingrad in the U.S.S.R. during World War II. The Battle of Stalingrad was one of the bloodiest battles in history, there was nearly 2 million people killed including military and casualties. Russians consider it to be the greatest battle of their Great Patriotic War, and most historians consider it to be the greatest battle of the entire conflict.
  • Normandy Invasion

    Normandy Invasion
    A great invasion force stood off the Normandy coast of France on June 1944. 9 battle shops, 23 cruisers, 104 destroyers and 71 large landing crafts. The attack had been long in coming. British forces where forced to with draw from France since the had plotted to re turn back. By the end of the entire Normandy invasion nearly 425000 allied and German troops where killed.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    The Battle of the Bulge, so-called because the Germans created a “bulge” around the area of the Ardennes forest in pushing through the American defensive line, was the largest fought on the Western front. The Germans threw 250,000 soldiers into the initial assault, 14 German infantry divisions guarded by five panzer divisions-against a mere 80,000 Americans. The battle raged for three weeks, resulting in a massive loss of American and civilian life.
  • Dropping of the Atomic Bombs

    Dropping of the Atomic Bombs
    Enola Gay dropped a five-ton bomb over the Japanese city of Hiroshima. A blast equivalent to the power of 15,000 tons of TNT reduced four square miles of the city to ruins and immediately killed 80,000 people. Tens of thousands more died in the following weeks from wounds and radiation poisoning. A few days later, Japan announced its surrender. By 1949, the Soviets had developed their own atomic bombs and the nuclear arms race began.
  • PTSD in WWII Veterns

    PTSD in WWII Veterns
    WWII differed from previous wars in its use of bigger field weapons and bombs, which placed soldiers at greater risk (PBS, 2003). Additionally, soldiers were placed into smaller combat groups, which reduced the social interaction which may have been a protective factor for psychological afflictions (Marlowe, 2000). Overall, 25% of casualties were caused by war trauma, and this rate was even higher– 50%– for soldiers engaged in long, intense fighting (PBS, 2003.)