WW1 timeline

  • The Comintern

    The Comintern
    The Comintern was created by Vladimir Lenin to split the European Socialist parties and spread Communism in each country. By fall of 1920 countries began to obey direction from Moscow
  • Versailles Treaty

    Versailles Treaty
    The Treaty of Versailles was basically the defeat of Germany by the Allies. Germany is forced to give land to Poland, France, and Belgium, and cannot have an alliance with Austria. Germany must keep it army to 100,000 troops, keep out of western territories and pay heavy amounts of money to the Allies for all the damage in war.
  • League of Nations

    League of Nations
    The League of Nations was an organization created in Europe to keep the peace between France, Belgium, Britain and many other countries. The goal was to prevent another war.
  • Fascism in Italy

    Fascism in Italy
    When Mussolini became dictator of Italy, he established a system of fascism. Similar to Communism, Fascism was based on extreme nationalism, blind devotion to the leader, and little to no human rights.
  • Stalin in power in Russia

    Stalin in power in Russia
    After Vladimir Lenin died, Josef Stalin was able to take power in Russia as dictator. Stalin adopted a system of Communism as soon, he led with terror. Stalin ended up purging almost a million people including important military leaders. He used propaganda and poster to build himself up as a godlike figure
  • The Great Depression

    The Great Depression
    The Great Depression was triggered by the United States stock market crash. The United States had helped fund the relief efforts of France and Germany. When the crash happened, the depression hit them too and it became a worldwide depression.
  • Japan Invades Manchuria

    Japan Invades Manchuria
    When Japan invaded Manchuria, they broke the rules of the League of Nations. Japan felt the need to do this because they had little natural resources because of the depression so they invaded Manchuria for the desired resources.
  • The Third Reich

    The Third Reich
    The Third Reich was an army that Hitler declared would rule Europe for a thousand years. Germany broke the rules of the Versailles treaty when Hitler began to assemble this massive army.
  • Germany starts to go alone

    Germany starts to go alone
    When Germany withdrew from the League of Nations, Hitler was appointed dictator. He began to build a massive army that he would take to war and eventually lead to WWII.