
  • European Sovereigns

    European Sovereigns
    9 European Sovereigns were at Windsor for the funeral of King Edward VII. King Edward VII funeral was 4 years before the war began. The bloody warfare was led by King Albert I and King George V.
  • Bicycles

    Belgian soldiers rode them in Boulognem France in 1914. Belgium provided a route into Frannce.
  • Militarism and Alliances

    Militarism and Alliances
    Americans fought in the Civil War. German Kingdom of Prussia launched the first of a series of wars. Prussia had united Germany and proclaimed the birth of German Empire.
  • Austria Hungary

    Austria Hungary
    A powerful and big country. Larger than Germany. It was ruled by Emperor Franz Joseph I.
  • assassination

    After assassination, Austria Hungary issued a list of demands to Serbia. People that weren't in its borders, were arrested. Austria- Hungary declared war on Serbia on July 28,1914.
  • A Terriost Attack

    A Terriost Attack
    The Archduke Franz Ferdinand visted the Bosnian capital of sarajevo. A Bosnian revolutionary named Gavnlo Princip rushed their car and shot the couple to death. The assassination took place with the Serbian officials.
  • Imperialism and Nationalism

    Imperialism and Nationalism
    Nationalism became a powerful idea on Europe. One of the basic ideas of natonalism is the right to self determination. Imperialism is when a country has power over another country.
  • Americans take sides

    Americans take sides
    Americans supported one side or the other. For more than 2 years, the U.S. remained neutral. German Americans supported theor homeland.
  • Germany's plan fails

    Germany's plan fails
    Germany went against France. It lauched a massive invasion of France. The German plan had one major problem. Russian troops invaded Germany.
  • The Great War

    The Great War
    The first large example of modern warfare. Technologies still use in the battle were introduced in large scale forms(like chemical attacks).
  • Bellevue Hospital

    Bellevue Hospital
    The Bellevue Hospital was going to organize a surgisal unit for France. The staff was made of surgeons and nurses. Roy volunteered his services to the Draft Board in Amherest , Massachusetts.
  • Waiting

    Avery waited like a fire horse around the empty stall.He went back to the laboratory and got his things, and went to the attic of one of the university buikdings.
  • Rockefeller Institute

    Rockefeller Institute
    Avery's brother worked at the institute. Avery was bored, so he called and talked to his brother. Avery's brother got him a job.
  • class

    Avery attended a class for 6 weeks. He passed the coarse he took. A group at the Institution offered him a research project.
  • experiment

    Avery's brother took hold of the experiment there and developed "Avery Squeakles Mouse Determination of Pneumococci from Spectrum". This was the first time the experimentation had started. Mice were used in this experiment. Mice was only 31 cents a piece.