World War II Timeline

  • Rape of Nanking

    Rape of Nanking
    The day that the Japanese captured Nanjing.
  • Germany Invades Poland

    Germany Invades Poland
    Uses blitzkreig. completed by the end of the month
  • Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister

    Winston Churchill becomes Prime Minister
    Winston Churchill becomes the new Prime Minister of Britain, replacing Chamberlain.
  • Operation Barbarossa

    Operation Barbarossa
    The code name of the Nazi Germany invasion of the Soviet union
  • Attack on Pear Harbor

    Attack on Pear Harbor
    Japan bombed U.S. Naval Base in Pearl Harbor, killing 2,400 Americans, destroying 20 warships, and 200 aircraft.
  • Battle of Coral Sea

    Battle of Coral Sea
    Japan's attempted invasion of New Gunea wa stpped by the allies. U.S. lot one carrie (U.S.S. Lexington). Joint British US naval force stopped. Japanese advance on Australia.
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    Six months after Pearl Harbor, U.S. defeated Japan in one of the decisive naval battles of World War II.
  • Battle of Guadalcanal

    Battle of Guadalcanal
    The first offensive battle for the U.S.! The U.S. won and during this war, it proved that the Japanese would not surrender no matter what. The only way that they would "surrender" is if they would die.
  • Batlle of El Alamein

    Batlle of El Alamein
    Marked the culmination of the World War II North Africa campaign between the British Empire and the German-Italian army.
  • Operation Torch

    Operation Torch
    The Bristish-American invasion of North Africa
  • Mussolini stripped of power

    Mussolini stripped of power
    After the invasion of Sicily Mussolini had his power taken away from him. Mussolini was forced by the Italian Government to resign.
  • D-Day

    The day that the Allied Powers crossed the Englished Channel and landed on the beaches of Normandy, France beginning the liberation of Western Europe from Nazi control during World War II. Within three short months, northern France is freed and the invasion force is preparing to enter Germany to move in from the east and meet up with Soviet forces.
  • Battle of Leyte Gulf

    Battle of Leyte Gulf
    The Japanese sought to converge three naval forces on Leyete Gulf and successfully diverted the U.S. Third fleet with a decoy. Japanese used a new weapon called kamikaze which was aircrafts filled with explosives that made a deliberate crash on their enemies.
  • Yalta Conference

    Yalta Conference
    A meeting of Birtish prime minister Winston Churchill, Joseph Stalin, and Presidnet Franklin D. Roosevelt as WWII was winding down. The three leaders agreed to demand Germany's uncontrolable surrender and began plans for the post-war world.
  • Firestorm Raid of Tokyo

    Firestorm Raid of Tokyo
    The U.S. was continuously bombing Tokyo until they surrendered, which they did not.
  • FDR dies suddenly, Truman takes over

    FDR dies suddenly, Truman takes over
    While being painted his portrait of by Elizabeth Schoumatoff he complained about a big sudden head pain,and he passed out, to his death, completely unexpected. After his death, vice-president Truman took over.
  • Hitler Commits Suicide

    Hitler Commits Suicide
    Hitler commits suicide in his underground bunker. Both Hitler and his wife, died with each other. They were both creamated by the other bunker survivors and were revived in parts by Russian Troops.
  • Victory in Europe

    Victory in Europe
    Great Britain and the United States celebrated in Victory on Europe day. Many cities came together to rejoice the defeat of the Nazi war machine. The day in history when Europe finally laid down their arms.
  • First Test of the Atomic Bomb

    First Test of the Atomic Bomb
    The timing of the bomb and the test was not that great, since we could've used it a year later on Germany and spar the 200,000 lives that were killed.
  • Victory in Japan

    Victory in Japan
    Japan's formal surrender took place.