World War II Timeline

By ahorne8
  • Japanese Invasion of China

    Japanese Invasion of China
    The Japanese invasion of China was also called the Sino-Japanese war. It happened when China began full-scale resistance to the expansion of Japanese influence in its territory. China broke the hands off agreement they made with Japan that they would not send armies to Korea, which caused the invasion.The effects were that Japan drove China out of Korea, Japan destroyed the Chinese navy, and Japan gained foothold in Manchuria.
  • Fall of Paris

    Fall of Paris
    Hitler wanted to continue his victory by invading other countries which was the west. The French collapse was as sudden as it was unexpected. It ripped up the balance of power in Europe.
  • D-Day

    The allies invade Western Europe in the largest sea attack in history. They have verified 2,499 American D-Day fatalities.
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Japan launched a surprise attack on American soil at Pearl Harbor. More than 2,000 military and civilians were killed. Japan wanted to expand it's reign over the entirety of the pacific but the only thing in their way was pearl harbor.
  • Battle of the Bulge

    Battle of the Bulge
    A major German offense is launched against the Allies in the Ardennes Mountains region on the Western Front. Adolph Hitler wanted to split the Allied armies by pulling a surprise blitzkrieg thrust through the Ardennes to Antwerp.The Americans suffered 75,000 casualties and the Germans lost 80,000 to l00,000.
  • Liberation of Concentration Camps

    Liberation of Concentration Camps
    Soviet soldiers were the first to liberate concentration camp prisoners in the final stages of the war.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima

    Battle of Iwo Jima
    American soldiers make their first strike on the Japanese Home Islands at Iwo Jima.. Despite its size, Iwo Jima was considered to have great tactical importance and would be a disadvantage if the Americans took it down. America lost 26,00 and the Japanese lost 22,000.
  • VE Day

    VE Day
    The US,Great Britain, as well as formerly occupied cities in Western Europe, put out flags and banners, rejoicing in the defeat of the Nazis.This was the day German troops throughout Europe finally laid down their arms.Germans surrendered to the Soviets, after the latter had lost more than 8,000 soldiers, and the Germans considerably more.
  • Dropping Atomic Bombs

    Dropping Atomic Bombs
    America dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki to get Japan to surrender.
  • VJ Day

    VJ Day
    This was the day it was announced that Japan had surrendered unconditionally to the Allies, effectively ending World War II