World War II

  • Japanese invasion of China(1937) -

    Japanese invasion of China(1937) -
    The Japanese invasion of China was also called the Sino-Japanese war, which was from 1937 till 1945. Happened when China began full-scale resistance to the expansion of Japanese influence in its territory. 1894, China broke the hands off agreement they made with Japan (in 1885) that they would not send armies to Korea, which caused the invasion.The effects were that Japan drove China out of Korea, Japan destroyed the Chinese navy, and Japan gained foothold in Manchuria.
  • Germany’s invasion of Poland(1939-1945) -

    Germany’s invasion of Poland(1939-1945) -
    Germany invaded Poland. The invasion didn’t last for a month, as the Polish army was defeated within 26 days. Germany broke into Poland ahead to Warsaw in attack, which surrendered on Semptember 27. Britain & France (allies) declared war on Germany on September 3. The Soviet Union invaded eastern Poland on September 17. To Hitler, the invasion of Poland would bring Lebensraum and more power to the Germans. The effects were the beginning of WWII & the deaths of many troops from both countries.
  • German Blitzkrieg (1939-1940) - /

    German Blitzkrieg (1939-1940) - /
    Blitzkrieg or “The Lightning war”, was an operating concept developed as a solution to WWI. German forces tried out the Blitzkrieg in Poland on 1939 before successfully employing the tactic with invasions of Belgium, the Netherlands and France in 1940.The Germans entered Paris on June 14. On June 22, France signed a Truce with Germany. The causes of the Blitzkrieg was to create disorganization among enemy forces and for power. The effect of the Blitzkrieg was unbalancing power in Europe.
  • Fall of Paris (1940) -

    Fall of Paris (1940)  -
    The french military which was one of the strongest militaries was defeated in approximately 6 weeks.Hitler wanted to continue his victory by invading other countries which was the west. The French collapse was as sudden as it was unexpected. It ripped up the balance of power in Europe.
  • Operation Barbarossa (1941) - /

    Operation Barbarossa (1941) - /
    On June 22, 1942, Adolf Hitler launched his great attack into the Soviet Union. Operation Barbarossa ended in the winter, with the German Army split into 3 directions, one pointing at Moscow, one at Leningrad, and one at Stalingrad. Germany eventually lost because they weren't prepared, on all three battles. Stalingrad cost them the most lose and was the turning point for the whole war in Europe. The impacts were to gain more land for Germany and control the oil fields of Azerbaijan.
  • Pearl Harbor (1941) - /

    Pearl Harbor (1941) - /
    Japan attacked Pearl Harbor near Honolulu, Hawaii. Pearl Harbor killed 2,402 Americans, destroyed 5 battleships completely, sank and seriously damaged at least eleven other warships, and destroyed nearly more than 180 aircraft on the ground. The cause of it was that the US was becoming more of a problem for Japan, as by that time it was the great depression. The poor economic conditions caused strong anti-Western point in Japan and were a strong factor in forcing the Japanese invasion of China.
  • Battle of Stalingrad(1942-1943) -

    Battle of Stalingrad(1942-1943) -
    The Battle of Stalingrad was a successful battle to the Soviet Union where they fought Germany and their allies to protect Stalingrad from being invaded. This battle is considered a turning point in the war on the Eastern Front and one of the most crucial attack of World War II.
  • Manhattan Project(1942) -

    Manhattan Project(1942) -
    The Manhattan Project was a research and development project that produced the first nuclear weapons during World War II. It was led by the United States & was supported by Canada and United Kingdom. The first bomb dropped on Hiroshima was made from uranium. The bomb dropped on Nagasaki was made from plutonium, which was more powerful. It was thought that at least 135k people died from the Hiroshima explosion & another 70k in Nagasaki. Many of them were civilians including women & children.
  • Operation Gomorrah(1943) -

    Operation Gomorrah(1943) -
    In Operation Gomorrah, the British attacked in Hamburg, Germany at night. Britain did this in revenge, because British suffered many deaths after Germany bombed raids in July, and to make matters worse for the Japanese. Hitler refused to visit the cities that were bombed and Hamburg too because it only showed him that it was the end of the war for him and that he’s losing.
  • Allied invasion of Italy(1943) -

    Allied invasion of Italy(1943) -
    Allied soldiers of America/Britain invaded Italy, which resulted in the capture of Sicily in August 1943. Therefore Mussolini was cut off from Italy's power along with the surrendering of the new Italian government. It was practice for the D-Day landings, which would be much more important. It opened a second front on the continent of Europe to help take some pressure off the USSR, which had been the only country left fighting Germany (on the ground) since 1940.
  • D-Day (Normandy invasion-1944) -

    D-Day (Normandy invasion-1944) -
    Known as operation overload, when American, British and Canadian troops landed in Normandy. France(allies) transported a large scale campaign that would make Hitler think before the invasion in months that the invasion would take place in Calais instead of Normandy. The allies did that because of Hitler who cut them off in the Battle of France. By the end of August the allies reached Seine river and Paris was free and the Germans were kicked out of France.
  • Battle of the Bulge (1945) -

    Battle of the Bulge (1945) -
    This battle was the most costing battle for Americans where more than 100,000 victims suffered. Germany lost this battle because of they had a shortage . Hitler tempted to separate the Allied armies through the Ardennes to Antwerp. America defended themselves by 2 troops. Hitler sent 3 armies and they launched the most deadliest war in the west.
  • Operation Thunderclap (1945) -

    Operation Thunderclap (1945) -
    The bombing of the eastern most cities of Germany to destroy transport infrastructure was discussed by the allies for some time. To take advantage too because Germany’s airforce was weak because of the Nazi’s. The causes were many such as the firs took quick action, the successful bombing raid, the fighters, and the weather. The allies mastered bombing in a faster way from the battle. The allies won leaving Germany destroyed.
  • Battle of Iwo Jima(1945) -

    Battle of Iwo Jima(1945) -
    Americans invaded the island of Iwo Jima because they needed a bas near the Japanese coast. 23,000 Japanese troops defended the island. The battle showed a change in the Japanese tactics of defending which was defending from network caves and tunnels and ground instillations that were difficult to destroy. But Americans resisted which resulted in them wining and the US flag was raised.
  • Battle of Okinawa (1945) -

    Battle of Okinawa (1945) -
    Japanese military changes their tactics to a defense in depth from resisting at the water edge to gain time. Japanese armies made air attacks by planes on this mission. The Japanese also used the tactic “kakmikaze”. The allies on the other hand faced the most difficult pacific campaign but managed to resist by making defines lines across the island. The Japanese eventually lost and the Americans won victory.
  • VE Day (1945) -

    VE Day (1945) -
    VE day means the victory of Europe day, both Europe and the US celebrate the defeat of the Nazi on this day. The 8th of May was the day where Germany surrendered to the Soviet Union. The main threat was when the Soviet Union captured the German troops as prisoners. The VE day is officially on May 9th because Stalin didn’t announce that the Nazi’s were defeated until Russians captures the Germans.
  • Potsdam Declaration(1945) -

    Potsdam Declaration(1945)  -
    The Three—Soviet leader Joseph Stalin, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill, and U.S. President Harry Truman—met in Potsdam, Germany, from July 17 to August 2,1945, to negotiate terms for the end of World War II. The Potsdam Declaration was issued on the 26th of july 1945, by the name of the US, England, and China. The declaration was issued to make Japan surrender, which they did 1 day before bombing Nagasaki. Dropping the atomic bomb on Nagasaki was developed from the Potsdam Declaration.
  • Dropping of the atomic bombs -

    Dropping of the atomic bombs  -
    On August 6, 1945, the United States dropped its first atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima killing 800,000 lives and 3 days later in Nagasaki which killed 400,000 lives, in argument to saving American lives and for the Japanese to surrender. The dropping of the atomic bomb on Japan marked the end of WWII. Approximatley 80,000 people were killed, and 35,000 were injured. At least another 60,000 would be dead by the end of the year from the effects of the fallout.
  • VJ Day(1945) -

    VJ Day(1945) -
    On August 14,1945, it was announced that Japan has surrendered unconditionally to the Allies, effectively ending WWII. On December 7,1941, capped a decade of worsen relations between Japan and the United States and led to an immediate U.S. declaration. The cause was when the Americans forces were close to Japan to invade the island nation.
  • Battle of Midway (1942) -

    Battle of Midway (1942) -
    Japanese aircraft attacked and damages the US base in Midway. Japan wanted to remove US as a Pacific power to take the territory in East Asia. Japanese were unaware that the US were ready for battle. US attacked Japan, and 48,000 men were killed, 4 carriers, 1 cruisers, and 100's of aircrafts. While US only lost 307 men, 1 carrier, 1 destroyer, and about a 100 aircraft. The US won this battle which cause them to become stronger and stopped the growth of Japan in the Pacific.