World War II

  • Period: to

    World War II

  • Treaty of versailles

    Treaty of versailles
    The treaty of versailles was the intial end for World War I. It ended the state of war between Germany and allied powers
  • Hitler rises to power

    Hitler rises to power
    Hitler is legal elected to become chancellor of the third reich. With the Nazi party already having 107 seats in the german reichstag.
  • Czechoslovikia Crisis

    Czechoslovikia Crisis
    Hitler Demanded for chamberlain to give him the Sudetenland area of Czechoslovakia
  • Violation of the Munich pact

    Violation of the Munich pact
    Operation Southeast was commenced with a primary objective to occupy czech territory. Hitler ordered his troops to move in and take Prague
  • Invasion of Poland

    Invasion of Poland
    Germany and Soviet Russia signed a non agression pact which lead to the invasion of poland both countries spilt the contry. First Germany invaded and the soviet russia fallowed suit a week later
  • Invasion of France

    Invasion of France
    Hitler devised an operation that would fall into two seperate stages 1.) Fall Gleb (case yellow) 2.) Fall Rot (case red) case yellow would be to send nazi forces into belgium and fake a invasion from belguim into france. However case red would be to break through the maginot line and flank allied forces as well as invade frances from there
  • Battle of Britan

    Battle of Britan
    The battle of Britan was the first unsecessful operation launched by the Nazis. The Nazi's primary objective was to destroy british AA (anti-air) defenses and airbases. The British objective was to obvouisly defend Britain from these air threats
  • Invasion of Soviet Union

    Invasion of Soviet Union
    Hitler was soon realizing that the war was gonna take up more resources then the reich had. He turned to soviet russia however they refused to give anymore resources then agreed upon. In an attempt to get resources Hitler launced operation barborssa which failed due to extreme weather and unprepared troops
  • Pearl Harbor

    Pearl Harbor
    Pearl Harbor was the day japanese launched a kamiaze attacks on High Priorty targets such as US battleships, Aircraft carriers and supply ships. However most of these ships were out on patrol and only some ships were sunk and some damaged
  • Battle of Midway

    Battle of Midway
    Was the first battle in the Pacific theater after pearl harbor. Americans were outnumbered however Japanese forces underestimated the US reactions to Pearl Harbor and were poorly postioned for a US attack. Because of this the Americans won
  • Operation Overlord

    Operation Overlord
    Also know as D-Day or the normandy landings. Was a massive Amphiboius and Air Assault towards Nazi Germany's "Great Sea Wall"
  • Battle of Okinawa

    Battle of Okinawa
    Battle of Okinawa was the largest amphibious assault in the Pacific. The orginal codename for the operation was "Operation Downfall". Allied forces planned to capture Okinawa as a major air base for future operations in japan. This battle ended in a American Victory
  • Hiroshima

    The bombing of Hiroshima was commenced by American forces through air raids. This was the end for World War II although the japanese surrendered many Japanese forces occupying Japan still continued to fight.