World War 1 Timeline

  • The Spark of WW1

    The Spark of WW1
    The start of World War 1 began with a death. The death was of Archduke Francis Ferdinand and his wife. They were assassinated in Sarajevo.
  • Let the War Begin!

    Let the War Begin!
    Austria declares war on Serbia. Another war was declared not too much later. On August 1,1914 Germany declared war on Rusia.
  • Submarine Warfare

    Submarine Warfare
    Another type of warfare began again. An unrestricted submarine warfare would resume. The unrestricted submarine warfare was started by Germany.
  • Tanks

    Tanks were called "landships".The menn had to disguise the "landships" as water tanks. So they code named them tanks.
  • The War Ends

    The War Ends
    Germany signed an armistice with the Allies. November 11 at 11am in 1918 was the official ending of the war. Armistice was basically a truce, or an agreement to stop fighting.
  • Men Lost

    Men Lost
    More than 65 million men from 300 countriesfought in WWI. Nearly 10 million died. About 6 million Allie soldiers died. The Central powers lost about 4 million men.
  • Treaty of Versailles

    Treaty of Versailles
    The Treaty of Versailles was signed by the Germans. This was a peace conference in the Palace of Versailles. The treaty also discussed the Treaty of SAint-German, ending the war between Austria-Hungary.