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William Shakespeare Life Timeline

  • 1564

    Birth Date

    Birth Date
    William Shakespeare was born on April, 1564 in England.
  • 1582


    Shakespeare got a license to marry Anne Hathaway on Nov, 1582 in England because Anne found out she as pregnant with his baby.
  • 1582

    Loss of Relative

    Loss of Relative
    Shakespeares campion and realtive was caught, tortured and killed in Warwickshire for unknown reasons while he was letting Shakespeare stay with him in 1582
  • First Child

    First Child
    William Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway had there very fist child who they named Susanna on May 1583 in England.
  • Twins!

    William Shakespeare and Anne Hathaway found out they were having twins (Judith and Hamnet) on Febuary 1585 in England.
  • Started Actor and Playwright Career

    Started Actor and Playwright Career
    William Shakespeare established himself as an actor and playwright in 1592 in London because he left his family to be successful at what he does.
  • Officially Listed As An Actor

    Officially Listed As An Actor
    Shakespeare was listed as an actor in documents at these times in London because he was bigger career wise as an actor at the time in 1592, 1598, 1603 and 1608.
  • First Poem

    First Poem
    Just before Shakespeares twenty-ninth birthday he wrote a poem "Venus and Adonis" in what could have been Italy during that time in April 1593 since the theatres all got closed due to the plague.
  • Poem Gone Famous!

    Poem Gone Famous!
    Shakespeares poem which he wrote ( Venus and Adonis) was a great success and got printed over ten times in Bodleian Library in Oxford in 1593.
  • Directed Play

    Directed Play
    Shakespeare directed "A Midsummer Nights Dream" at the Swan Theatre in London to perform his play in 1596.