Why the U.S Annexed the Philippines

By Quee123
  • U.S.S. Maine Buttleship blew up

     U.S.S. Maine Buttleship blew up
    The United States blamed Spain for blowing up the U.S.S. Battleship that was in the Cuba harbor.
  • Battle of Manilla

    Battle of Manilla
    First battle with Spain in the Phillipines
  • Victory in Phillipines

    Victory in Phillipines
    President Theodore Roosevelt declares victory in the Phillipines
  • Global Competition of world resaurces

    Global Competition of world resaurces
    U.S. wanted to produce more resources/products than Europe. We were in competion with them to try to produce more than them.
  • Boxer Rebellion

    Boxer Rebellion
    The Boxer Rebellion happened in China. Chinese tried to prevent Europe from taking over. Chinese rebelled.
  • Competition for the world's market

    Competition for the world's market
    After the U.S. made all the products, we wanted to seel to different markets around the world. Europe already had India, Africa, and Middle East. America wanted Phillipines to have a market to sell to and to have a way to sell to China.
  • treaty of Paris

    treaty of Paris
    In the Treaty of Paris, Spain frees Cuba, cedes Puerto Rico and Guam to the U.S. and sells the Phillipines for 20 Million dollars to the U.S.